
Logic that encompasses heterogeneity

Georges Bataille considered human existence to be rooted in fundamental anxiety and violence.
He argued that humans have created order and norms to escape this anxiety and violence.
However, Bataille believed that order and norms alone cannot fully explain human existence because humans have a desire to seek out the heterogeneous, which transcends order and norms.
Bataille called this desire for the heterogeneous "transcendence." Transcendence involves breaking order and norms, leaping into the unknown.
For Bataille, transcendence brings both terror and ecstasy.
Through transcendence, humans transcend their own limits, opening up to new possibilities. Bataille's logic differs in many ways from conventional logic.
Conventional logic emphasizes rational thinking based on order and norms. In contrast, Bataille's logic aims to understand human existence more deeply by encompassing the heterogeneous.
Bataille's logic has influenced various fields such as literature, philosophy, and religion, and his thought continues to offer significant insights into understanding contemporary society.

Rejection of Dualism:

Bataille rejected dualistic concepts such as good and evil, life and death, order and chaos, believing these concepts are interdependent and rooted in each other.

Emphasis on Continuity:

Bataille viewed the world not as discrete entities but as continuous existences, asserting that all beings are interconnected and influence each other.

Affirmation of Excess:

Bataille affirmed the existence of excess beyond order and norms, believing that it is this excess that gives vitality and creativity to human existence.
Keywords for Understanding Georges Bataille's Thought:

1. Excess (Dépense):

Bataille considers "excess" as an essential activity of human existence, where one negates accumulation or order, wasting energy in meaningless acts. Examples include ritual sacrifice, gift-giving, and sexual acts.

2. Transcending Norms:

Bataille explores realms beyond social norms and morality. He actively embraces what is usually rejected, like taboo, violence, and death, seeking fundamental meaning in human existence.

3. Totality:

Bataille sees humans not as isolated entities but as beings connected to the cosmos. He seeks to overcome dualisms like individual and whole, life and death, rationality and irrationality, pursuing existence as a whole.

4. Religion:

Bataille views religious experience as crucial to human existence, valuing the access to a transcendental world, communal unity, and liberation from the fear of death that religion provides.

5. Literature:

As a novelist, Bataille expressed his ideas through literature. His works deal with themes of violence, death, and sex, leaving a strong impression on readers. By considering these keywords, one can understand that Bataille's logic is not merely about negation or destruction but holds deeper significance. He sought to explore the essence of human existence and create new values.
