


monthlyReturn(GSPC)["::2023"] %>% matrix(.,nrow=12)  %>% t() -> w

w[seq(3,74,4),] %>% apply(.,2,mean)
w[-1*seq(3,74,4),] %>% apply(.,2,mean)
t.test(w[seq(3,74,4),2], w[-1*seq(3,74,4),2] )
t.test(w[seq(3,74,4),3], w[-1*seq(3,74,4),3] )



 monthlyReturn(GSPC)["::2023"] %>% matrix(.,nrow=12) %>% t() -> w

 選挙年の各月収益率を抜き出し平均を取る。すなわち、選挙年2月の平均リターンは-0.004181145、3月は 0.004183054である。

> w[seq(3,74,4),] %>% apply(.,2,mean)
[1] 0.001392833 -0.004181145 0.004183054 0.013146585 0.001342584 0.013157860 0.006557679 0.012789941 -0.003711496
[10] -0.008495148 0.019815053 0.013452178


> w[-1*seq(3,74,4),] %>% apply(.,2,mean)
[1] 0.0135624206 0.0003123942 0.0132234798 0.0160091804 0.0027055074 -0.0029889328 0.0150472238 -0.0043078570
[9] -0.0082860328 0.0146534048 0.0178475200 0.0153319352


> t.test(w[seq(3,74,4),2], w[-1*seq(3,74,4),2] )
Welch Two Sample t-testdata: w[seq(3, 74, 4), 2] and w[-1 * seq(3, 74, 4), 2]t = -0.49086, df = 32.496, p-value = 0.6268

alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 095 percent confidence interval:-0.02312940 0.01414233
sample estimates:mean of x mean of y -0.0041811446 0.0003123942


> t.test(w[seq(3,74,4),3], w[-1*seq(3,74,4),3] )

Welch Two Sample t-testdata: w[seq(3, 74, 4), 3] and w[-1 * seq(3, 74, 4), 3]t = -0.67075, df = 20.076, p-value = 0.51

alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 095 percent confidence interval:-0.03714855 0.01906770
sample estimates:mean of x mean of y 0.004183054 0.013223480


> w[seq(3,74,4),2][1] -0.036453978 0.034687357 0.009170976 0.009865031 -0.031222865 0.025303040 -0.011401963 -0.004379818 -0.038859347[10] 0.041817403 0.009589542 0.006933702 -0.020108083 0.012208973 -0.034761193 0.040589464 -0.004128360 -0.084110484

> w[seq(3,74,4),3][1] 0.047721453 0.069254521 -0.013898771 0.015167095 0.009400134 0.005911579 0.030688978 -0.101794893 0.013497995[10] -0.033343260 -0.021831863 0.007916567 0.096719828 -0.016358919 -0.005959623 0.031332315 0.065991114 -0.125119282>


> t.test(w[seq(3,74,4),3][-18], w[-1*seq(3,74,4),3] )

Welch Two Sample t-test

data: w[seq(3, 74, 4), 3][-18] and w[-1 * seq(3, 74, 4), 3]
t = -0.12235, df = 19.977, p-value = 0.9038
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.02589175 0.02302294
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
0.01178907 0.01322348

> t.test(w[seq(3,74,4),2][-18], w[-1*seq(3,74,4),2] )

Welch Two Sample t-test

data: w[seq(3, 74, 4), 2][-18] and w[-1 * seq(3, 74, 4), 2]
t = 0.025565, df = 36.954, p-value = 0.9797
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.01629237 0.01670875
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
0.0005205812 0.0003123942
