

Before I talk about this book, let me explain how I got it. This goes back to spring 2020 when I transferred to an American college. I took a communication class and needed to talk about racism. Honestly, this topic was the least argument I wanted to discuss because I was raised in Japan where stands for a homogeneous country. Although the number of foreigners has increased, MIC, Minister of Internal Affairs And Communication, records that we have 2.25% of foreigners living in Japan. Anyway, I have seen some foreigners in my country but have never dealt with any situation about racism. Also, when it comes to that field, it always becomes sensitive, and I’m afraid of being assertive to speak out my voice because I was worried that some people might take my comment as offending. I’m not as fluent as other native speakers, so this subject still gives me anxiety. However, I wanted to participate in my class, I decided to confess my concerns to my professor. Then she gave me this book called Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This book helps me understand more about non-American black culture and American perspectives. 
