
Weird soup in FFXV comrades (!?)

OK~ the latest dish from FFXV comrades. "あやしいスープ”. What's its name in English? 

Well....I "tried" to re-create it. Though the resemblance is not that close, I reckon the "feel"should be there (www)

and I really dont wanna re-create it the second time www  

please continue reading if you are interested (warning, not to read it before meals!


Though it is called "soup", I decided to pick "squid ink pasta" as the "main body". 

First of eye, that weird "green eye"

I used fuzzy melon to recreate it. Simply cut it and steamed it. Done. 

Next, something on the left 

I used black fungus. 

Then, the core part! And the most terrible part! 

It should be a huge octopus leg (?). Then it is difficult to get a huge octopus leg in real life, so I used sea snails

and of course with some squid

Next , I extracted some beetroot juice to mix with the squid juice (yakkkkk) and "painted" it on the  sea snail. Also with some dill (herb), pesto cheese ......... and combined them all together.....

That's it!!! (?) 

That's it!!! (?)

That's it!!! (?) I've come up with a new receipeh (!??)

well......though the resemblance was not that high, the "feel" was that, I reckon (ha ha ha ha ha) 

Since I really didnt wanna eat it with that "condition", I tried to re-modified it a bit. Washing away the purple color on the sea snail, stir fried it with butter and garlic. Then it turned to be my lunch below

  How did it taste? Well, just tasted like normal squid ink pasta (ha ha). yet I didnt really like the sea snail. It was not awful, yet, not delicious. (laughed)

I reckon it was the first and the last "weird dish of FFXV" that I would cook. 

Square Enix, please dont torture me anymore. (ha ha ha)  

