
◆2 思考は、対象のみを捉えるが。


The man who contemplates is "absorbed" by what he contemplates; the "knowing subject" "loses" himself in the object that is known. Contemplation reveals the object, not the subject.

◆1 いくら分析しても自己意識の発生は謎だ

理性やら思考やら、それらをいくら分析しても、私という自己意識は明らかにならない。私は、どうして、あなたの意識ではなく、私の意識なのか。私は、今、ロボマインドプロジェクト視点から、この自己意識の発生を理解しようとしているのだが。ちなみに、「知る主体」は、Knowing subjectって言うのだ。

Now, the analysis of "thought," "reason," "understanding," and so on-in general, of the cognitive, contemplative, passive behavior of a being or a "knowing subject"-never reveals the why or the how of the birth of the word "I," and consequently of self-consciousness--that is, of the human reality.