
CreateXYZで東京おもてなしゲームを作ってみた #CreateTokyo

Text to Appな生成AIサービス「Create.XYZ」の開発者が東京に来ているのでミートアップに参加してきました。



各観光名所の情報はスクリーンショットを与えることで生成したり、Stable Diffusion 3を使って生成したりしています。

一緒のグループで制作に参加した AICU AIDX LabのNaruさん + いまっち + のっぺ + 横田さんありがとうございました。これも何かのご縁ですね!


Smartphone primary responsive site.
Japanese/English switch button.

This is index page of Tokyo Yamanote Backgammon.

It has 30 stations circles (black large dot) like actual Yamanote line, green color themed circle bold line.
Some of stations {Akihabara, Ueno, Okachimachi, Yurakucho, Shinagawa} are "Good Choice", they has particular pages like "/Akihabara". The others are novice, they do not has particular pages.

When the user tap the screen, white dot goes 30 steps clockwise, station flashing is not as a random, clockwise circular sequences. it spins 5 sec when the user click on the screen. The duration is a random  for 5000 msec to 10000 msec.

during the spinning, the center circle shows an iconic image of each station with the station name in Kainji Japanese.

When the spin stops, it shows animation of the station name for 1 sec, and the page goes to the particular pages like "/Akihabara" not as "akihabara" component.
If the stop to the not to "Good Choice" station, show "You lost the destination! Spin again!", when the user tap again, spin again.

Each pages of sites has  "back to the spin" button to back to this page.

When the player tap on [How To Play] button on the top left, it shows "このサイトは外国からの訪問客が東京を楽しむためにあります。これは #CreateTokyo  イベントで開発したものです" in both languages.

On the bottom, it shows "Generated in #CreateTokyo , AICU AIDX Lab + いまっち + のっぺ + 横田さんチーム" with link to "https://x.com/AICUai/status/1812807771110375914".






