
NYC PreK自主隔離用オンライン授業2021・5/17 2021・5・17

What do all human babies need to grow and be healthy?

Baby's day

Go to www.getepic.com
Put in class code: qml0131
Look for your name
Author: Cydney Weingart
Think about the questions below:
1. What does a baby need?
2. How is formula the same and/or different than baby food in a jar?
3. Why do you think a newborn can only drink formula in the beginning?
4. How would you help take care of your baby brother or sister?

Nursery play center

Materials: Use objects from around your home: table set up with small blankets, towels, wash cloths, container for baby wipes, empty plastic bottle for baby bottle or care products, paper towels to make diapers, small shoe box or container to be a crib or cradle.
Encourage your child to create a home or nursery and play with baby dolls. Help them to consider how to care for the babies and what their day to day activities might entail. Take a picture and or video and share with us on google classroom.

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Yoga Monday

Hi friends, Happy Monday! Let's breathe in (smell the flower) and breathe out (blow out the birthday candle).

1. Take a sip of water
2. Have fun following the yoga poses
3. Share with us on our google classroom your favorite yoga poses :-)

Deciding together

In this story, the kids help Z learn that deciding things together is fair. That means everyone shares ideas, listens to one another and decides on a solution that works for all.
As you listen, pay attention to the different ideas Z and the kids have for solving the problem and whether they are fair solutions.
Answer the questions below and draw and label your picture:
1. After Z and the kids found the caterpillar in the treehouse, what problem did they have?
2. What were some of the ideas they had for solving the problem?
3. Would it have been fair for Z to decide what to do with the caterpillar? How would the other kids have felt if they had to do it Z’s way?
4. After Z and the kids thought of several solutions for what to do with the caterpillar, which one did they pick?
5. Was this a fair solution, and why?

Baby collage

Draw or cut out pictures of what a baby needs and glue ot onto a piece of paper. Label your picture. Share with us on google classroom! Don't forget to write your name on your work!

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Where's the baby?

Hi Friends! Here is a super fun song we all may know and can sing along too :) Count how many "babies" you found in the video below. :-)
