
The DRUP THAB KUNTU(Collection of All Methods of Attainment)

The DRUP THAB KUNTU(Collection of All Methods of Attainment) is a collection of initiations and sadhanas of Buddhist tantric deities of the Vajrayana in 14 volumes from the Kagyu formerly compiled by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (* 1820 in Derge; † 1892 ; co-founder of the Rime movement) and Jamyang Loter Wangpo.

Other scriptural collections of the Kagyu include the Ngag Dzo (Collection of Empowerment Transmissions), the Dam Ngag Dzo (Ocean of Definitive Meaning of Mahamudra), the Gya Chen Ka Dzo, the Chag Chen Gya Shung, the Chigshe Kundröl, and others.

Another collection of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamyang Loter Wangpo is Gyu De Kun Tus (The Collection of All Tantras) in 30 volumes.

Table of contents

1 Contents of DRUP THAB KUNTU - Collection of all methods of achievement.
2 Contents of GYU DE KUN TUS (Collection of all Tantras)
3 Literature
4 Web links

Content of DRUP THAB KUNTU - Collection of all methods of achievement

Volume 1. Three white deities; Amitayus, Tara and Sarasvati; Amitayus, Ushnishavijaya, Sita Tara, etc.

Volume 2. the three gods combined, wisdom deities; Manjushri, Sarasvati, Sita Achala, Sita Vajravarahi, Mahakarunika.

Volume 3. Avalokiteshvara, Tara.

Volume 4. Anuttara Deities; Hevajra, Guhyasamaja, Chakrasamvara, Yogini-Varahi, Yamari, Yamantaka, Avalokiteshvara, Tara, etc.

Volume 5. Tathagatas; Trisamayavyuha, Pratityasamutpada, Medicine Guru, Amitabha, Akshobhya, Naga Raja, the four deities of Kadampa, the six dharmas of Vajrasana, Marici, Achala, the cycle of the three deities of Glorious Shangpa, the Kalachakra Protector Vajravega, Visvamata, etc.

Volume 6. Vajrapanjara Tantra Practices; Bhutadamara Vajrapani, Sita Prajnaparamita, Sosor Trangma; Purification; Vajrasattva, Samayavajra, Bodhisattva Akashagarbha, God of the World (Avalokiteshvara) Simhanada, Parnashavari.

Volume 7. Siddhaikavira Tantra (Unique White Manjushri Tantra) with commentary. Purification and removal of obstacles; Vajravidarana of Bari and Virupa, Bhurkumkuta, Vajramrita, Buddha Locana, Krisna Manjushri, Panca Rakshasi, Sosor Trangma. Accretion; Amitayus, Ushnishavijaya, Vagishvari, Niriti, Maitreya, Sarasvati (four-armed); protection; Yamari, Vajrapani, Hayagriva.

Volume 8. protection; Padmasambhava, Guru Rakta Krodha, Garuda, Simhamukha, Pratisara, Dvajagrakeyura; wealth deities; Kurukulle, Ganapati, Takkiraja, Kurukulle-Tara, Tinuma, Rakta Vasudhara, Rakta Tara.

Volume 9. wealth deities; Vaishravana, Jambhala, Vasudhara, Ganapati, the three sisters. Protectors of the Teaching; Hevajra Sadhana with Body - Mandala Torma and Notes; Mahakala Cycle; Panjarnatha Mahakala, Caturmukha, Sita Caturmukha, Jnana Mahakala, Sadbhuja Mahakala; Cycle of Deities; Magzor Gyalmo, Mahakali. Miscellaneous; Dharmaraja, Citipati, Baiktse, Rakshas - brothers and sisters.

Volume 10. miscellaneous; Guruyogas, Vajradhara, Vajrasattva, offering-pujas, Torma-offerings, fire pujas, Rabne, Satstsha, Ganacakra, medicine pills, Rasayanas.

Volume 11. Various short collections; Pratisara, Kshitagarbha, an ocean of precious attainments, the instructions of Mahasiddha Javira, the instructions of glorious Taglung, etc. Vaishravana, Sita Sadbhuja Mahakala, Tseringma, Sadhanasamuccaya with notes by Jamyang Loter Wangpo, Drup Thab Kuntu Index.

Volume 12. Bari Gyatsa, Notes, Drup Thab Gyatsa et al.

Volume 13. 21 Praises of Tara, Heruka, Samputa Khon Lineage, Vajrakilaya Khon Lineage, Vajrakilaya Protector , Padmasambhava Praise, Guru Rakta Krodha, Avalokiteshvara, Hayagrihva, Pratyangira, Shri Devi, The 3 Sisters, Devi Shramana, So Sor Trangma, Amitayus, Sarvadurgati-Parisodhana, Narthang Gyatsa.

Volume 14. 84 Mahasiddha initiations; the cycle of Dharma protection; Panjarnatha Mahakala, Brahmana Mahakala, Sadhu Mahakala, Mahakali, Vajra Rabtanma; the 5 servants of Panjarnatha, Citipati, The Heart of the Practice of Sadbhuja Mahakala, Magzor Gyalmo (Gelugpa), Sita & Rakta Jambhala.

Contents of GYU DE KUN TUS (Collection of all Tantras)

Volume 1. KRIYA TANTRA: The Mandala of the Three Families, etc..

Volume 2. Vimala-ushnisha, Amitayus with nine deities, Amoghapsha, Ekadashamukha Avalokiteshvara, Akshobhya, Akshobhya of Atisha, Sita Vajravidarana of Bari Lotsawa, Vajravidarana, Vajrapani, etc.

Volume 3. CARYA TANTRA: Vairocana Abhisambodhi, Arapacana Manjushri with five deities. Complementary rituals from Kriya Tantra: Rasmivimala, Vimalosnisha, etc.

Volume 4. YOGA TANTRA: Shri Vajradhatu, etc.

Volume 5. Shri Vajrashekara with five families, Shri Paramadya.

Volume 6. Parishodhana Tantra with 12 mandalas, Navoshnisha Shakyamuni with 39 deities, Dharmadhatu-vagisvara Manjushri with 219 deities, Guhyaka Manjushri with 57 deities.

Volume 7. father - ANUTTARAYOGA TANTRAS: Guhyasamaja.

Volume 8. Vajrapani Mahacakra, Vajravidarana of Virupa, Candamaharoshana Achala, Canda Vajrapani, Rakta Yamari of Virupa, Rakta Yamari of Shridhara, Manjushri Krishna Yamari of Rwa.

Volume 9. Sanmukha Manjushri Yamari of Rwa, Vajrabhairava of Mal Lotsawa, Vajrabhairava with 13 deities.

Volume 10. Vajrabhairava of Skyo 'Od-'byung, Vajrabhairava of Zhang, Vajrabhairava, etc. Sanksiptakula Guhyaka Manjushri of Manjushri- namasangiti.

MOTHER - ANUTTARAYOGA TANTRAS: Sarvabuddhasamayoga, Sanksiptakula Sarva-buddhasamaoga Vajrasattva.

Volume 11. Chakrasamvara of Luipa, Cakrasamvara of Krisnacarin, Cakrasamvara of Ghantapada.

Volume 12. Cakrasamvara, etc. Vajravarahi of Kam-tshang, Vajrayogini with 37 deities, Vajrayogini of Naropa.

Volume 13. chakrasamvara, etc.

Volume 14. Manjuvajra Vagisvara Cakrasamvara, Kharamukha Cakrasamvara, Cakrasamvara etc., Dakarnava with 1500 deities.

Volume 15. Varahi, etc., Samputa Heruka of the Khon lineage, Buddhakapala, Mahamaya, Catuhpitha, etc.

Volume 16. mahakarunika jinasagara, etc. Amitayus, Bhattarika Kurukulle, Cakrasamvara Avalokitesvara Padmajala, samaya-Tara Vajrayogini, Vajrakilaya of the Khon lineage.

Volume 17. non-dual ANUTTARA TANTRAS: Kaya-vak-citta-parinispanna Kalacakra with 634 deities, Mahasamvara Kalacakra with 73 deities.

Volume 18. Hevajra Upadesakrama, Hevajra of Saroruhavajra, Hevajraof Krisnacarin.

Volume 19. Hevajra of Dombhi Heruka, Vajranairatma, Hevajra, Nairatma, etc.

Volume 20. Sanksipta-Pancadaka-kula Hevajra of Vajrapanjara, etc., Vajrasamputa.

Volume 21. Vajrasattva Cakrasamvra with 37 deities from the Samputa, (the following Mahakalas are all Panjaranatha;) Kartaridhara Vajra Mahakala with 5 deities, Vajra Mahakala with 8 deities, Vajra Mahakala with 12 deities, Vajra Mahakala with 17 deities, Vajra Mahakala with 10 deities. (the non-dual tantras end with Mahakala).

AMNAYA teachings: The twelve Istadevata Sugata of Pha Dampa Sangye, Samvara with 13 deities of Pha Dampa Sangye, Vajrayogini with five families of Krodhini of Pha Dampa Sangye, the five mandalas of Shangpa Kagyu, Cakrasamvara with 5 deities of Niguma, Mayakaya-Mahesvari of Shangpa Kagyu, Cakrasamvara and Vajravarahi of Rechungpa, Cakrasamvara with 10 deities, etc.

Volume 22. Sodasabindu Mandala of Kadampa, Jnana-Mahakala with four Armas, Jnana-Mahakala with 30 Deities, Cintamani Jagadamara Avalokitesvara.

Favorable mandals at completion: Ushnishvijaya with 9 deities, Sita Tara with 9 deities, etc.

General Collections: Vajravali of Abhayakaragupta with the complementary mandala.

Volume 23. General Collections (more..): Sadhanasangraha/Sadhanamala - transcribed by Thartse Panchen Namkha Pal Zangpo, Mitra Gyatsa.

Instructions: Fifty verses to the guru of Bhavila; the cycle of teachings on detachment from the five desires - an original teaching of Manjushri to Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (7 texts), unusual Madhyamaka of Mangtho Ludrup Gyatso, mind-straning text of Shri Virupa, Guhyasamaja - teachings.

Volume 24: Guhyasamaja Teachings, Yamantaka Teachings, Cakrasamvara Teachings.

Volume 25. Cakrasamvara teachings, Kalacakra teachings.

Volume 26. Kalacakra teachings, Hevajra teachings.

Volume 27. Vajrapanjara teachings, Vajrasamputa teachings, Sodasabindhu teachings, Panjarnatha Mahakala teachings.

Long life cycles: Sita Cakrasamvara, Amitayus, etc., Sita Panjarnatha.

TANTRA - Explanations: Shri Hevajra Tantra Raja, Explanations of the Four Classifications of Tantra by Jamyang Loter Wangpo, Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrup, Jetsun Trakpa Gyaltsen and Sonam Tsemo.

Volume 28. Explanations of the Tantraby Jetsun Trakpa Gyaltsen and Sonam Tsemo.

Volume 29. Shri Hevajra Tantra Commentary by Jetsun Trakpa Gyaltsen; various Hevajra ritual texts.

Volume 30. lines of the various mandalas (slides 1-237) and the index (slides 238-634).


Vajrasana.org(Reference see above,.)

Web links

An Ocean of Methods of Accomplishment
The Collection of All Methods of Accomplishment


Contents: Drub Tab Kun Tu

Collection of All Methods of Accomplishment

Compiled by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo & Jamyang Loter Wangpo

THE DRUP THAB KUNTU (14 volumes)

Vol. 1. Three White Deities; Amitayus, Tara and Sarasvati. Amitayus, Ushnishavijaya, Sita Tara, etc.

Vol. 2. The Three Lords Combined. Wisdom Deities; Manjushri, Sarasvati, Sita Achala, Sita Vajravarahi, Mahakarunika.

Vol. 3. Avalokiteshvara, Tara.

Vol. 4. Anuttara Deities; Hevajra, Guhyasamaja, Cakrasmavara, Yogini-Varahi, Yamari, Yamantaka, Avalokiteshvara, Tara, etc.

Vol. 5. Tathagatas; Trisamayavyuha, Pratityasamutpada, Medicine Guru, Amitabha, Akshobhya, Naga Raja, The Four Deities of the Kadampa, The Six Dharmas of Vajrasana, Marici, Achala, The Cycle of Three Deities of Glorious Shangpa, The Kalacakra Protector Vajravega, Visvamata, etc.

Vol. 6. Vajrapanjara Tantra practices; Bhutadamara Vajrapani, Sita Prajnaparamita, Sosor Trangma. Purification; Vajrasattva, Samayavajra, Bodhisattva Akashagarbha, Lord of the World (Avalokiteshvara) Simhanada, Parnashavari.

Vol. 7. Siddhaikavira Tantra (Solitary White Manjushri Tantra) with Commentary. Purification and Removing Obstacles; Vajravidarana of Bari and Virupa, Bhurkumkuta, Vajramrita, Buddha Locana, Krisna Manjushri, Panca Rakshasi, Sosor Trangma. Increase; Amitayus, Ushnishavijaya, Vagishvari, Niriti, Maitreya, Sarasvati (with four arms). Protection; Yamari, Vajrapani, Hayagriva.

Vol. 8. Protection; Padmasambhava, Guru Rakta Krodha, Garuda, Simhamukha, Pratisara, Dvajagrakeyura. Wealth Deities; Kurukulla, Ganapati, Takkiraja, Kurukulle-Tara, Tinuma, Rakta Vasudhara, Rakta Tara.

Vol. 9. Wealth Deities; Vaishravana, Jambhala, Vasudhara, Ganapati, The Three Sisters. Protectors of the Teaching; Hevajra sadhana with Body Mandala Torma and notes. Mahakala Cycle; Panjarnatha Mahakala, Caturmukha, Sita Caturmukha, Jnana Mahakala, Sadbhuja Mahakala. Goddesses Cycle; Magzor Gyalmo, Mahakali. Various; Dharmaraja, Citipati, Baiktse, Rakshas - Brothers and Sisters.

Vol. 10. Miscellaneous; Guruyogas, Vajradhara, Vajrasattva, Offering Pujas, Torma Offerings, Fire Pujas, Rabne, Satstsha, Ganacakra, Medicine Pills, Rasayanas.

Vol. 11. Various Short Collections; Pratisara, Kshitagarbha, An Ocean of Precious Accomplishments, The Instructions of Mahasiddha Javira, The Instructions of Glorious Taglung, etc. etc. Vaishravana, Sita Sadbhuja Mahakala, Tseringma, Sadhanasamuccaya with notes by Jamyang Loter Wangpo, Drup Thab Kuntu Index.

Vol. 12. Bari Gyatsa, Notes, Drup Thab Gyatsa, miscellaneous, etc.

Vol. 13. Twenty-One Praise to Tara, Heruka, Samputa Khon Lineage, Vajrakilaya Khon Lineage, Vajrakilaya Protectors, Padmasambhava Praise, Guru Rakta Krodha, Avalokiteshvara, Hayagrihva, Pratyangira, Shri Devi, The Three Sisters, Devi Shramana, So Sor Trangma, Amitayus, Sarvadurgati-Parisodhana, Narthang Gyatsa.

Vol. 14. Eighty-Four Mahasiddhas Initiations. The Cycle of Dharma Protection; Panjarnatha Mahakala, Brahmana Mahakala, Sadhu Mahakala, etc, Mahakali, Vajra Rabtanma, The Five Servants of Panjarnatha, Citipati, The Heart Practice of Sadbhuja Mahakala, Magzor Gyalmo (Gelugpa), Sita & Rakta Jambhala, etc.


Letter from DJK

Drubthab Kuntu Teachings

Published on 04 June 2022

By now, many of you have heard through the grapevine that I will be giving the Drubthab Kuntu cycle of teachings and initiations. These are tantric teachings. They are not a general introduction to the Buddhadharma, or even purely Shravakayana or Mahayana teachings.

I have one indisputable reason and one disputable reason to confer these transmissions. The indisputable reason that gives me the guts to offer this abhisheka is that I received it from my guru, who I believe is more than all the Buddhas. (In this day and age when so many give initiations without even a lineage, that is already a big claim.)

The disputable reason is that, after all those years of being embraced by my compassionate guru, I am still an aspiring Vajrayana practitioner. I therefore declare here and now that I am by no means a qualified tantric master who can give this cycle of teachings. So, for your sake and mine, do not come or read any further.

But if you still insist on receiving these teachings, then, as someone who worries about the decline of the Buddhadharma in general and especially the Vajrayana, I will try my best to have the participants in my heart. That’s because a tantric master must look at each student as their only child, which doesn’t mean I will know your first name or keep in regular touch with you.

For those in limbo, wondering whether or not they should do this, I suggest following the tantric prescription to do a thorough background check on me. There are plenty of websites you can consult, and you might particularly want to read posts by Tahlia Newland, Matthew Remski, Joanne Clark and others.

In any case, please remember that from a worldly point of view, I’m no asset for you, and more likely a burden – a bit like excess baggage. And of course, the same is true in reverse – so are you to me.

Some of you may be in limbo for another reason – wanting to receive these initiations but already with too many commitments and worried about taking on more. To those people, I say I don’t care if you chant a single word of mantra so long as you don’t abandon Buddha, dharma and sangha and so long as you don’t hold the view that some things may have no cause and condition.

On the contrary, I want you to think of the glory of the Buddha, the dharma and the sangha. I want you to be attracted to sunyata and dependent arising. I want you to help preserve the dharma and to make it grow and flourish. That is your commitment.

For those of you who still decide to receive these initiations from me after reading this far, I need to tell you that our relationship will change completely. There will be no negotiation, no second-guessing, no give and take, and no sitting on the fence. In this case, the customer is not always right and doesn’t get to call the shots.

If you want to play football, you may get scratches and bruises. If you want to play the game with a helmet and padding, then it’s no longer soccer.

There is another issue we should clarify: I may have many different ways of thinking than you, be it on religious, social, political, or other matters. For instance, I am not a die-hard devotee of so-called western liberal values.

That doesn’t mean I hate the west. I do not. And in my efforts to propagate the Buddhadharma, anyone can tell you I care for westerners as much as I can possibly manage to care for Bhutanese, Tibetans or Sikkimese. But I am allowed to have different opinions than others, just as ninety percent of people are allowed to think Kim Jong-un is a bad guy without much reason except that the materials they themselves have printed told them so.

That’s what I think and I have the freedom to express it. But I am saying all this here, because if you really have a deep problem with that, which could affect the way you think about me, and if this genuinely bothers you from your head and heart to the limits of your being, disqualifying me as your vajra master, then you had better not come to these transmissions.

Of course, we can have real differences of opinion and argue about all of it. You have all the right to your own view and I will totally understand if it’s completely different from mine. Even if you are the epitome of the liberals I criticize, I will still, as a tantrika, try to hold you dearly and care for your tantric practice needs.

So our difference of opinion won’t hinder our Vajrayana samaya at all. It’s as simple as my liking coffee and disliking durian, and you liking durian and disliking coffee. That won’t make any difference in our relationship on a spiritual level.

— Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse