
🎀#16 英語研究 | "Mourning Navalny in Moscow"


本日はThe Economistの"Mourning Navalny in Moscow"(1分間で読める)について。訳していきましょう。



On Friday the funeral of Alexei Navalny, Russia's most prominent opposition leader, takes place in Moscow. He died in a Siberian penal colony on February 16th. For days officials refused to return the activist's body to his mother unless she agreed to a private funeral. She refused, and the authorities eventually relented. But Mr Navalny's allies have claimed that their efforts to arrange the funeral and a memorial service have been hindered as officials try to avoid a large public gathering.

The Economist | Mar 1st 2024

【"Mourning Navalny in Moscow"の訳】

金曜日[Friday]。Moscowにて。Alexei Navalny氏('ロシアにおける'卓越した[prominent]野党[opposition]の代表者[leader])の葬式[funeral]が執り行われる。2月16日[February 16th]。彼の命日である(過酷なSiberianコロニー[colony]にて)。公務員ら[officials]は数日間に渡って[For days](活動家の遺体[activist's body]を'彼の母親[his mother]へ'引き渡すことを | 葬式[funeral]を秘密裡に行わない限り)拒絶した[refused]。彼女[She]は彼らの要求を却下した[refused]。結果。当局[authorities]は妥協することになった[relented]。