
How's it going lately?

Hi!!! Its haruto. Its been a while since I'm here to keep my jounal. To be honest, I haven't been eager to study English these days since I'm middle of the vacation I guess.

So from today, I will restart keeping this I swear. Recently, working out is my current trend. I had been hoping to go a gym and finally I started commuting there. How has it been so far? I can it's been nice, every single time I can feel sense of accomplishment and My body looks different as it was before.
So, I'm content with that and I'll continue it.

Another thing that I want to keep it here is that I've been making a plan of studying abroad which is for applying to Tobitate Ryugaku Japan.
Now, what I need to do is make everything clear like purpose, my desire and outlook of future.

Hey there, it's Haruto! It's been a minute since I last dropped by to update my journal. To be perfectly honest, my enthusiasm for studying English has taken a bit of a hiatus, probably because I'm right in the midst of my vacation.
But starting today, I'm making a firm commitment to get back on track with my journal. Lately, I've been completely immersed in a new pursuit: working out. The idea of joining a gym had been on my mind for a while, and I finally took the plunge. How's it been going, you ask? Well, I can tell you it's been rather gratifying. Each workout session brings a palpable sense of achievement, and I'm seeing some noticeable changes in my physique compared to before. So, I'm pretty satisfied with my progress, and I intend to keep at it.
There's one more thing I'd like to jot down here. I've been diligently mapping out my plans for studying abroad, with a specific focus on applying to the Tobitate Ryugaku Japan program. Right now, my next steps involve solidifying my goals, delving into my aspirations, and sketching out my vision for the future.
rephrased by chat gpt
