
Thx for always motivating me

Hi!!!! How's it going lately? It's been a while since I wrote my journal last time haha. I've got so much to do, or I may be lazy.  So today, I have much free time, and I feel like working this.

How is my life going lately will be the first topic, I've been doing great I would say. In terms of academic stuff of me, I believe I had a good job on some mid-term, I still have more tho. Also, as for the relationships with people around me are quite nice so far since I haven't had a fight with anyone even my gf.
So I hope it would be wonderful.

Today, I saw a story which was on Instagram by my friend, he mentioned he's gotten the best grade among the Japanese students in our course on it. I have to say congratulations.
What I would like to mention here is my feeling right now. Of course, I know comparing others to myself is a kinda stupid thing and might hurt you, But I often do that because that motivates me a lot!! Actually, I've content with my achievement that I could come to my university cuz I was keen on this uni.
However, since I come here I've just realized how smart people around me both Japanese and International. Although There were times when I felt helpless about my ability, I thought I have still a lot of room for growth.
Gradually, I realize how I spend my life in the future, therefore, I mean to continue to endeavor.

thx for reading my poor reading seeya! love y'all.
