Heavy rain makes me stuck in my room

Hiii!! what's up? Have you got used to your new life? 
I just hope I could get used to it soon.

So, today I went to school as usual, actually, I'm still in school.
This morning, as soon as I get up I didnY feel like commuting 
school since I wanted to stay in bed more and it was heavy rain outside. At last, I got out of my bed. 
 The reason why was I like that is from my mental cuz I've been kinda exhausted from my part-time, many assignments and etc. I guess I know how I solve it. It is a working out and excise I guess. Then I will do it to be in a habit of working out. That sounds awesome. isn't it?

What I want to say is the class that I took today. To sum review, the first class was in the second period is sociolinguistic. Although I thought It wasn't bad, I'd like to study more about sociolinguistics in English. cuz it's one of the English classes, also I want to know how different are each dialects in English including British, Italian and etc. Furthermore, I am interested in the social, geological, and cultural factors of our human language. So I'll ask the prof.

The next class I took is the class focusing on presenting about Japan. It's literally a tough class since we have a presentation every week and it could lead to making slides every time. Through having a lot of times of presentations, I feel I'm not being super nervous but at the same time, I don't think I improved a lot cuz often I still read a script and am not good at making the slides. But the one I did in the last class of the English seminar was good I would say.
To sum up, recently I've realized where still am I in terms of English by taking some classes so I'm gonna try to be hard to be what I want to be. It must motivate me cuz I will always ask myself what is this for as I hed up with studying. 
