
Fashion dilemma in mid-April

It's already feeling quite summery in mid-April, and I find myself in a fashion dilemma. While waiting at the bus stop, I notice others dressed as if they're ready for a hike, yet those I encounter on my way to the supermarket are still wearing winter clothes. I find myself in the middle, wearing a sleeveless T-shirt with a light, three-quarter-length sleeve blouse over it, paired with jeans. The transition between winter, spring, and early summer makes choosing the right outfit a bit challenging.

I  bought a lightweight shawl last fall, perfect for this time of year, but I hesitated to wear it initially due to its delicate material that's prone to snags. Now that the weather permits, I'm still cautious about wearing it outside, fearing it might catch on something. Another consideration is my bag choice. If I opt for the shawl, my favorite backpack won't match, leaving me with only a small shoulder bag option. With a non-fan gathering scheduled for Friday, the outfit decision remains up in the air.
