
I’ll tell you about fortune telling of Tarot in English.

I think that you are wanting to solve the problem due to use this cards. This article will be useful for you. When I explain about Tarot fortune telling, I use numerology. Without numerology, I think that it is very difficult for you to learn them. To tell the truth, I can't use English very much. There will be wrong points in grammar. If you don't mind, could you feel free to point out wrong points? Now let’s begin!

First of all, the first card is Magician.
He doesn’t have many things. But he has special ability.
He has nice application. Even if he has few tools, he can do everything.
If he works as a member of a company, he will be an excellent worker.
He wants to do things which have not been not done by all over the world.
Why does he want to do so? Because this card is No.1.
This means single point which suddenly appeared in the space where there is nothing.
He has strong individuality. Because of this, he is fond of doing something no one has ever done. The more he tries, the more something new is born.

Correct position: All things what you can associate with the first-rate magician.

Reverse position: All things what you can associate with the third-rate magician.

The second card is High Priestess. To understand this card, it is necessary for you to know “2”.

Delight is the opposite of sorrow. Bright is the opposite of dark. If there was no sun, there would be no moon. In the same way, if there was no bright, there would be no dark. There is duality in this card. For example, there are two pillars by the woman drawn in this card. One is black color. The other is white color. There are two plants behind the woman. One is pomegranate. The other is palm. Pomegranate means the man. Palm means the woman. There is the moon at her foots. The moon is always changing its figure. It shows how she is wavering between the contradictory things. What she should do is taking the best from the two contradictory things.

The woman drawn in this card is nun. She is naïve but she likes to study various things. What is good about her is to know the things from that kind of duality. So she can understand many things wide range of view.

Correct position: an excellent student (Tokyo University, Kyoto University and so on) who can study that kind of duality

Reverse position: She is an excellent student but has strong thought. She is too smart not to listen to many people.


The third card is the empress. She is so attractive that most people turn to her beauty. She only thinks bright things. She is positive. In other words, she is like a child. She usually creates various things. Interestingly, there are many things which she created in her room. She is well off and very generous. She likes to give everyone her belongings. Thanks to her generosity, most people give her their belongings. The more she gives, the more generous she is. After all, she is always relax. Because of this, she can afford to give her love to her child who is in her belly. If they didn’t give her their belongings in return, she would be angry and destroy everything.

Correct position: The more she gives, the happier she is.

Reverse position: The more she gives, the unhappier she is. Eventually, she destroys everything. Otherwise she stops to give.


The fourth card is Emperor. To understand this card, you had better study “4”. There are four things to understand “4”. ①”4” means a table. This means peace of mind, stability, safety.②”4” means the foundation. ③”4” means a wood that has grown for a long time. It is very high and thick and deeply rooted. ④”4” means a mountain. Generally, a mountain consists of four points. It represents making effort and piling up. He creates a space surrounded by four points. That space contains those four meanings. In other words, it is high, deeply rooted, and thick and it means making effort, piling up. It also means the foundation, the table which is stability, safely, peace of mind. He separates the inside and the outside by the enclosure. He brings in an excellent person, a familiar person, and splendid worker and so on. He values ​​the person in the inside very much. But he doesn’t value the person in the outside. He is very cold to the people in the outside. It is said that “2” means listening deeply. “4” listens deeply more than twice as much as “2”. “2” means accepts well. “4” accepts more than two times as much as "2". He usually listens to his surroundings and he always decides to do things for them as soon as possible. Although he is an emperor, he doesn’t expand his territory. That’s why everyone who is in his territory are in peace of mind.

Correct position: something all which you can associate with when you hear the word a good emperor.

Reverse position: something all which you can associate with when you hear the word a worst emperor.


The fifth card is the hierophant. You had better learn about “5”. “5” represents a center point in square. This point is seen by everyone. It is the center of everyone’s attention. There are many points like this. "5" means the person who walks from point to point. Needless to say, He/She stands out wherever he/she go. He/She stands out wherever he/she go to the point. He/She is always the point of attention. This hierophant has the value everyone pay attention. Because he is the greatest man of in the religious world. Whenever or wherever he comes everyone becomes fun and happy. People all over the world were not so free that they could travel from country to country like this present era in the era when tarot born. But because he is hierophant, he could travel from country to country. So he had many experiences and he was able to become popular. His great power of communication is created by this. He always listens to people’s voice. He can give targeted advice to everyone.

However bad the person is, the hierophant listens to him without denying. He is also an excellent counselor.

Correct position: Because his behavior is very free, he got many things. Thanks to this, he is able to act according to the situation.

Reverse position: he is so free that he is unable to act according to the situation.


The sixth card is the lovers. It is said that “6” means adjusting and hexagram. “6” consists of two “3”. In other words, three plus three equals six. As I said before, “3”means someone who is well off and generous gives his belongings to someone who is in trouble. Or To clean up, someone who is in crowed house gives his belongings to someone. Adam and Eve appears in this card. Adam is the symbol of man. Eve is the symbol of woman. Hexagram consists of two triangles. One is Adam and the other is Eve. They give each other and two triangles is approaching and hexagram is completed.

You had better know about Book of Genesis to understand this card. As you know, the hero of the story is Adam. And the heroine of the story is Eve. To tell the truth, they were not smart enough to deceive everyone. But they have great integrity. They used to give each other. That look was so splendid that God gave them paradise. They were able to live forever here without sickness and worries. They had to keep a promise to maintain this happiest condition. The promise is not to eat the apples. They hadn’t eaten them for a long time. But a snake continued to imply them to eat these. In the end, they ate them. As soon as they ate them, they became smart like us now. It became more difficult for them to give unconditional love than before. God banished them from paradise with great anger. The place where they were sent by God is the world of humans. The place where they were banished by God is the world of humans. Although they could not live forever and begun to suffer from illness, they were able to live by themselves now.

One of the essential points is “selection”. We ought to think over whether the thing (eating apples) they did is valid or not. But it is very difficult for us to solve the problem. According to the tarot concept, its answer is correct if the card becomes correct position. On the other hand its answer is wrong if the card becomes reverse position. If you get correct position of this card, you had better to rely not on logic but on instinct in making a decision. If you get reverse position, the answer which you get by instinct is wrong. Of course since this card’s name is “the Lovers”, the incidents about your love get well.

Correct position: your choice by instinct is correct. The incidents about love get well.

Reverse position: your choice by instinct is wrong. The incidents about love go bad.


The seventh card is chariot. “7” means that a child concentrates on a favorite thing. As children are interested in various things, they can't concentrate on a thing. As a rule, they have more concentration than adults. Do you know “Magical number 7±2”? Generally speaking, people are able to remember things of 5 to 9. Concentrate on a thing so that you can get 50 points to 90 points on the test. After this, do the same repeatedly. After this, do like the same repeatedly. If you do so, you can become a winner.

Correct position: If you work as soon as possible, you can finish work earlier than your expectation.

Reverse position: The earlier you work, the worse you work. Let’s do them one by one steadily and slowly.


The eighth card is strength. You ought to perceive that the woman in this card is doing an unbelievable thing. She is taking care of very scary lions. The common point between her and them is having strength. Her power is mental. Their power is physical. If those powers are balanced, you can do unbelievable thing like her. In other words, do you know yin-yang?

It is said that the world consists of two things. They are yin and yang. Yang means the sun, standing, outputting, and hotness, front and so on. Yin means the moon, sitting, inputting, coldness, back and so on. Although it is easily to make a mistake, Yang isn’t the opposite of yin. I dare to teach you once again that the world consists of yang and yin. If they are balanced, you may be able to do everything. In numerology, "8" means achieving a high purpose. Always taking a balance is the secret of success. Don’t eat too much. Don’t be too shin. Don’t be too fat. Moderation is the best.

Correct position: Things balanced correctly. In the end, the things will get well.

Reverse position: Things becomes extreme. Eating too much, Being too fat, and Being too thin...and so on.


In numerology, “9” is the symbol of expansion. "2" compensates for weaknesses of "1". "3" compensates for weaknesses of "2". "4" compensates for weakness of "3"…”9” compensates weakness of “8”. ”9” includes properties of numbers 1 to 9. This card involves the meaning of "9". The man drawn in this card isn't selfish. He knows various things in the world. He is fond of getting along with everyone. He likes human beings. But in this card he seems to be lonely. To teach the very important thing to everyone, he dares to be minority. He tries to explain what everyone wants to say. The harder he tries, the condition gets well. He is the man who sacrifices himself for everyone.

Correct position: He sticks to his moral principles or doing something fun. They pay off in the long run for others.

Reverse position: He sticks to his moral principles or sticks to doing something fun. But they don’t pay off in the long run. As soon as possible he will have to stop doing them. Otherwise he will be treated badly.


This card’s name is the wheel of fortune. The element of “1” gives important meaning to this. “1” means only one direction. So this card’s meaning is happiness (correct position) or unhappiness (reverse position). The essential point of this card is that there is no human in this card. One's destiny relies on God's intention. No matter how hard one tries, it becomes all but waste. What a bad thing this is! Unless God help us, making an effort isn't useful at all.

There is dreamier interpretation than this. “1” in numerology has another interpretation. That is the super speed to get the first prize. When you’re in a good flow, you ought to do things as soon as possible. When you’re in a bad flow, you ought to study until you’re in a good flow.

Correct position: you will be bound to get happy thing without making efford. If you’re in a good flow, you ought to do things to take a chance as soon as possible.

Reverse position: However hard you make an effort, you will not get happy things. Until you’re in a good flow, you had better study something.


The eleventh card is Justice. In fact someone who is drawn is a woman. You may have thought she looks like a man. She is God who is named Alstroemeria. As you can see, she has a scale in her hand. She really loves equality, integrity and no difference and so on. In numerology, “11” means “2”. Because two plus two equals eleven. “11” is special number which is called “master number” in numerology. Of course this card involved property of “2”. Do you know master numbers? They are 11, 22, 33 and so on. They mean the bridge to go to invisible world (For example, God’s world, Buddha’s world, the world which is figured by our dream and the world which is figured by our imagination and so on). Using this bridge, she can go and come between present world and invisible world. When she is in present world, she uses “2”. When she is in invisible world, she uses “11”.

As the former, there is near the meaning of the second card (The high pristiness). At this time, she judges whether a thing is correct or not between two contradictory things to use laws and precedents. Doing like this, equality, integrity and no difference and so on are maintained. That’s why the present world becomes peaceful. (The meanings of correct position)

But when she uses “11”, she judges whether the things are correct or not between two contradictory things to use the God’s word, the Buddha’s word, the word made in dream, instinct, and the word made in imagination and so on. Needless to say, if she so, the present world will be confused. (The meanings of reverse position)


The twelve card is the hanged man. In numerology, “12” is expressed as “3”. “12” is expressed “3”. Because 1 plus 2 equals 3. In numerology, “3” means going to positive places, child (“1” means a man. “2” means a woman. ) 1 plus 2 equals 3.In other words, 1(a man) and 2(a woman) mixed each other and 3(a child) is born. 3 rotates by 90 degrees and it looks like broken egg. Therefore “3” also means destroying and creating.

Generally speaking, although children get bored easily, they try to challenge to various things. Sometimes they look so tough to do them. Even at times like that, they are willing to do them. In this card, this man looks like that he is suffer from situation of now. But it is training for him. He is eager to do this. He dares to do this.

Correct position; You may encounter the thing you want to do soon. You may encounter the thing you want to do soon. Everyone around you thinks it tough. Therefore they may advise you to stop doing this. But you should do this. You had better respect the will of you.

Reverse position: The thing that you try to do isn't good for you. Everyone around you think so. You shouldn't do this.


The thirteenth card is death. You may well think this card looks weird and evil. In mere appearance, many people will think so. But this God isn’t bad. All living things must die. After death, no one can know where to go. It is said that this God leads us to the place where we should go.

This card involves the meaning of “4” in numerology. Because 2 plus 2 equals 4. One of the meanings of “4” is my rule which someone definitely doesn't want to change. It is very hard to change this. You will think that you might as well kill yourself as reconcile yourself to such a fate. What an awful thing this is! But doing this, it is said that you are bound to get happiness.

Correct positon: You must stop doing the thing you stick to. Maybe it is very hard. But doing this, you are to be happy.

Reverse position: Although you have the thing you must stop doing, you aren't ready to stop. You had better adopt flexible tactics for the moment.


The 14th card is temperance. In numerology, “14” has the elements of “5”. In generally, The root numbers in numerology are 1 to 9. 5 is the center of the numbers. The book about numerology teaches us that the element of “5” can communicate with the elements of the other numbers smoothly. And “5” means moderation. Too much is not good. For example, Eating too much is not good. Not eating too much is not good, too. Running too much is not good. Not running too much is not good, too. How do you think the angel’s face drawn in this picture? Maybe everyone can’t distinguish male from female. It's exactly moderation. As soon as you see the angel's foot, you can realize one leg is in the river and the other is off the river. It’s exactly moderation, too. If the angel keeps moderation, the sun behind the angel will

be rising little by little. Keeping moderation, many problems in your heart will face away. But it won't be changed quickly.

Correct position: you had better maintain moderation. And you will get over many problems.

Reverse position: you will be apt to do something extremely. In the end, the result will be worse than ever.


This card named the devil will make most people be worried. At first I felt ominous. This card implies that negative feeling will be raised. Once you feel negative, you won't be able to escape from this very hard. You will be haunted by this for a long time. As a matter of fact, negative feeling help us increase positive feeling. It's not easy of you to do this. You must make a strong will.

Correct positon: you are defeated by this devil. You don’t get a strong will. For the time being, negative feeling will be continued.

Reverse position: You can defeat the devil with a strong will. You can get a strong positive feeling.


Whenever you do tarot fortune telling, you have to know that you needs to be careful to this card named the tower. Unless you take an appropriate answer of this card, the client may be very sad or very angry. This card involves following meanings. The things that you have built for a long time will be destroyed. To make matters worse, you may be obliged to be fired. You may have to break up with a lover of the opposite sex. Don't talk about it literally. Otherwise you and your client will be in trouble. Are you afraid of this card? You don't have to be afraid. It is important of you to be modest. You had better not to take everything for granted. Don’t forget to think there is consideration of others in everything. Please keep in mind to gratitude. If you so, everything may going to be alright.

Correct position: Without being modest, you will fail to maintain the things you cherish.

Reverse positon: Please imagine the situation you will face after a catastrophe has gone. Everything were broken by this. It must be critical condition for all living thing. You must start from minus. Needless to say, It is not from zero. It will be awful enough to be insane. But you must manages to start.


In numerology, “17” consists of the meaning of “8” because one plus seven equals "8". "8" express building concrete plans and doing them stoically. The female God drawn in this picture will be more beautiful if she builds concrete plans and stoically does them.

Correct position: First of all, make a concrete plan and you do it stoically. If you do so, you will success.

Reverse position: You will not get appropriate amounts of what you want to do. Although you don't have much time to do them all, you will try to do them all. Sometimes you are willing to do them all at one time. So you will waste a deal of your life. You become bored easily. It is very important for you to do only one thing.


In numerology, “18” consists of “1” and “8”. The meaning of “18” corresponds with “9”. “9” involves Neptune. Neptune's nature is to expand infinitely. This card named the moon have similar meanings. It is said that you will feel endlessly anxious if this card comes out. You will feel uneasy awfully. The harder you try to search for the answer, the more uneasy you become.

Correct position: you will be in trouble because of being anxious. You had better not look for the answer to vanish this. "I don't know" is the answer.

Reverse position: You will get answer to the problem you worried. Compared to previous situation. The things which has been unclear will be relatively clear. For the first sight, it is good for you. Sometimes it is good for you to remain the things what you don't know. The things which you want to conceal may be clear. Maybe you have to expose to your secret. The fact you don’t want to know may be informed by someone. The fact with you don't want to know may be told you by someone.


Because this card named the sun has bright impression, I think that it always makes you feel happy. In numerology, "19" can be divided into 1 and 9. 1 plus 9 equals 10. And 1 plus 0 equals 1. In other words, “19” involves the element of “1”. One of the important meaning of “1” in numerology is aiming to No.1. In general many people encourage the person who will be No.1 with extraordinary speed. They are impressed by this attitude. And they encourage him more. The more he tries to be No.1, the more they encourage him to be No.1. In the end, the result he can get will be excellent.

Correct position: You should behave aiming to No.1. In that, remember to move quickly as soon as possible. If you do so, You are likely to success relatively easily.

Reverse position: However hard you tried to, you may not be going to become No.1. No.2 and below will not be support by everyone. Everyone's support makes you become No.1. All you have to do is keeping your peace like a marathon runner.


This card named judgement. Those who have read up to this may know, “20” in numerology consists of “2” and “0”. 2 plus 0 equals 2. “20” involves the element of “2”. First of all, All you should learn about this card is knowing the meaning of “2” in numerology. In making a decision, this God relies not on logic but on instinct because this God has the nature of “2”. In numerology, logic is the nature of “1”. Instinct is the nature of “2”. The god drawn in this picture has ability to distinguish vice from virtue. The person who was judged as vice is sent to hell. The person who was judged as virtue is sent to heaven. The thing which I don't agree with is that its judge due to instinct quickly. This God only looks at the points that are stood out. For instance, a great achievement which was built by excellent talent and so on. This card says that if you are ordinary people, it is very important to contribute many people for going to heaven. In other word, to go to heaven you had better contribute many people or build the great achievement.

Correct position: You have already had a great ability to build great achievement. If you don’t have this, you ought to try to do something more hardly. Believe that God stands by you!

Reverse position: However hard you try to success, maybe there will be no use doing. You may be going to hate those who are around you. Because they don't try to admit your efforts. Wasting great deal of your life is not good for you. There is men or women who admit your efforts somewhat. You had been in a rough period. Someone will feel for you. All you have to do is trying to make effort time and again.


This card named the world is the 21th. According to a book about tarot fortune telling, this card means complete, perfect and so on. Needless to say, “21” involves the meaning of “3”. You can derive pleasure from “3”. Due to its meaning, In general, When you think that “I am interested in something in front of me!” ,“I get excited!” ,“I want to do what I think of!”, we are apt to stop to do them thinking of an excuse. As I had said up to now, The important element of “3” consists of ”child”. You need to act like a child. In other words, Make the desire (“I am interested in something in front of me!”, “I get excited!” and “I want to do what I think of!” and so on) the center of your thinking. If you so, you will succeed like God that is drawn in this picture. The result that you got to will come to mean perfect, complete and so on.

Correct position: If you act like a child who has positive thinking, you will get a big success.

Reverse position: Although you act like a child who has positive thinking, you won’t get a big success. Maybe you always talk about negative things and you don’t usually say “Thank you” or “Thanks” every day. Strangely, if you say “Thank you” or “Thanks” more frequently than ever, you can work out most of things.


I think that this card named the fool is very interesting. Although the man drawn in this picture is like a explorer, his equipment for his travel is not enough. You may think that he thinks nothing. Exactly right! He actually thinks nothing. To make matters worse, he is in danger of falling down from a high cliff. Almost all people will think that he will die. But he uses angel’s wing to fly sky. This card teach us thinking or getting ready too much is very bad things.

Correct position: You ought to act without thinking. If you so, everything will be alright.

Reverse position: You ought to think more and make a plan more carefully. Or you will fail.
