
脳内議論整理 ロジカル論理崩壊
















Was gonna look back on 2023 but…

Recently, I've had so much free time and having lots of internal debates about various things. However, I am overwhelmingly lacking opportunities to output them in words. Since I haven't articulated what I vaguely feel, those ideas that i have in my mind just keep being piled up waiting to be considered more. So, in oder to make the pile a bit smaller, I decided to write a note which i haven't done for a while.

As 2023 is about to end in three days, I thought about looking back on the year, but a different idea has just come up in my mind, so I might first write about it.

Conclusion-Based Thinking in My Mind

Whether it's a bad habit or a good, I tend to have the conclusion in mind and structure the narrative as the conclusion, with which I come up at the very beggining of my thinking, sound the most romantic, by adding necessary information and lots of foreshadowing before that conclusion.

This is quite useful skill when it comes to writing. Usually, when I come up with an idea to write about, I start by writing the conclusion first, so that i don't forget. Then, I logically organize and fill in the necessary information to lead to the idea as a conclusion. Once I've written everything, I rearrange the order of the text to make it nice and neat. Finally, I delete the parts that I think are unnecessary for leading to the conclusion. Personally, I find this method makes the writing clear and easy to read.

Where the challenge arises, is in conversation, when I try to talk about it. Since the idea of conclusion comes up in my mind first, I often end up forgetting that idea while putting it aside in my head and trying to provide the necessary information to make the idea a conclusion. Sometimes, during the conversation, I even start thinking like "Oh, I also want to talk about this" "I might as well talk about that if it comes to this topic" and I go too far away from the conclusion.

Skill of communication

I could talk logically, when I'm focused. I'm probably unconsciously thinking if it is the situation that I should be talking logicaly, and if the other person that I am talking with is trustable enough for me to show the vulnerble side of me.
So, when I realize that my logical structure is unintentionally falling apart, it makes me think like, "Oh okay, seems like I'm trusting this person quite well."

Though it might makes me sound like a calclating person, which I might really am occasionally, I sometimes intentionally talk super illogically. For example, make the story scattered, and present stories that don't lead to a conclusion. Appearently, I am believing that I can make myself apper easy person to get along with by speaking illogically. And I feel like I am controling how logically I talk depending on situation. When I want to make friends, I pribably make the logic falls apart intentionally, wanting to be apper as a silly dumb person, but in class or at work, I probably talk with a beautiful logic wanting to be appear as a bright and clever person. I often fail, of course, to make the impression as I intend though hahah.

Once, my boss at work, who I greatly admire from the bottom of my heart, told me that possessing a communication skill is not only about being capable of communicating with others well, but also and more importantly, being able to control the capability depending on situations. This concept was such a whole new perspective that I could never come up with, that I still remember those every single words exactly. I shall keep trying to be better at navigating when to make logical, conclusion-based communication and when to refrain from it. 

As me spending one year after coming to age

Reaching the legal drinking age has made things so much easier for me. When I drink, regardless of the person I'm with, I can allow myself to be more casual and not to worry too much about logical structures or whatever else. Because I tend to think deeply about various things even when I am not intending to in everyday life, having a time when I can forcibly turn off my thoughts seems quite important for my mental well-being. I genuinely believe in the "appropriate amount of alcohol enriches a person's life" theory indeed, should I maube consider writing on this theme sometime lol.

And thus as you see, this is version of me where I became totally illogical and completety lost track of what I wanted to say as a conclusion.

So my dearest friends, thank you for always being so understanding and allowing me for being very myself. May next year be as great as the one just has passed, and our friendship last as wonderful for another year.
Wishing you all very happy new year. 
