Native English Speakers(Borrowing Money)


I'm Jeff.

Jeff, how are you?

I'm fine Dad. How's mon? Did She get over※ her cold?
※to become well again after an illness

Yes, she's fine now. She went back to work yesterday.

That's good. Um Dad I need to ask you something.
well, uh the truth is, I'm broken again. Could you lend me $200
just till the end of the month?

Broke again? Jeff, when you moved in with Nancy and Andrew, you said you could make ends meet※.

※to have only just enough money to buy the things you need

But this is the third time you've asked me for help!

I Know I know. I'm sorry. But see, my old guiter broke, and I had to buy
a new one. I can't play on a broken guiter, right?

Look Jeff, if you want to play in an band, that's OK with me.
But you can't keep asking me to pay for it.

Ok, Ok, you're right. But what do you think I ought to do?
Everything costs an arm and leg around here※.

※Everything around here is expensive.

Well first of all, I think you'd better go on a budget.
Make a list of all your income and all your expenses.
And then it's simple. Don't spend more than you earn.

But that's exactly the problem! My expenses are always larger than my income. That's why I need to borrow money from you.

Then maybe you should work more hourws at the computer store.

Dad! I already work 15 hours a week!
How can I study and work and fine time to play with my band?

Come on, jeff, when I was your age…..

I know I know. when you were my age you were already married and
working and going to school.

That's right. And if I could do it, why can't you?

Because I' m not you, Dad that's why!

All right, Jeff, clam down. I don't expect you to be like me.
But I can't lend you any money.

Your mother and I are a budget too. you know.

Maybe I should just drop out of school, work full-time, and play in the 
band in the eveinings. I can go back to school later.

I would't do that if I were you.

Yeah, but you're not me, remember? It's my life!

All right, jeff. Let's not argue. Why don't you think about this very carefully and call me back in a few days.

And in the meantime, you'd better find a way to pay for that new guitar.

Yes, Dad.
