
(報道では、ウラジミール・プーチン ロシア連邦大統領の生年月日(1952年10月7日)との関連を指摘するものがあるが、私は、現在、アメリカが制裁を実施している国の指導者の生まれ月日なので、友好国の首相に関連づける解釈は無理があると思う。) (トランプ大統領も、ドイツ系なので、2重に意味合いか)
②なぜ39才か ダグラス・マッカーサー米陸軍元帥の次の発言で知られる日本人12歳説がある。
「The Japanese, however, in spite of their antiquity measured by time, were in a very tuitionary condition. Measured by the standards of modern civilization, they would be like a boy of 12 as compared with our development of 45 years.」
今回の39才は、Numerology(数秘術)的方法で解釈すると、3+9=12ということで、暗に12歳であることを示している。 Numerology(数秘術)は、あまり日本ではなじみがないが、西洋では根強いものの様で、公の典型例が、2014年1月15日のIMFのクリスティーヌ・ラガルド専務理事のアメリカ National Press Clubでの約7分の記者会見のうち、2014年のNumerology(数秘術)的意味付けに、全会見時間の半分以上の4分を使って説明している。(末尾に、会見テキストの該当部分掲載)
<会見の日付2014年1月15日 →2+0+1+4+1+1+5=14 つまり7の2倍>
<2014年と1914年(第一次大戦開始年)の末尾2桁が14 →つまり7の2倍> <ベルリンの壁崩壊後25年→2+5=7> <ブレトンウッズ体制70周年→7+0=7>

<The Global Economy in 2014   By Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, IMF  National Press Club, Washington DC  January 15, 2014  の会見の動画からの文字化 最初から4分間>
なお、会見の全容は、こちら↓ https://www.press.org/.../default/files/20140115_lagarde.pdf>

good afternoon and thank you having me with you I would like to thank the National Press Club and especially president angelic grilling Keene for not only inviting me to this prestigious venue but essentially presenting the outline of what I want to talk to you about now so it's as if we had prepared that together which we have not now let me first of all of course begin by wishing you all a Happy New Year I guess it's still time to do that given that we are just exactly halfway through between our Western New Year and the Lunar New Year which will loom in a few weeks time I think it's also appropriate to wish ourselves a Happy New Year given what I would like to talk to you about has to do with the global economy and what we should expect for 2014 now I'm going to test you numerology skills by asking you to think about the magic 7 ok most of you will know that 7 is quite a number in all sorts of themes religions and I'm sure that you can compress numbers as well so if we think about 2014 all right I'm just giving you 2014 you drop the 0 14 2 times 7 ok that's just by way of example and we're going to carry on so 2014 will be a milestone and hopefully a magic here in many respects it will mark the 100th anniversary of the first world war back in 1914 it will mark the 70th anniversary 70s anniversary drop the 0 of the Bretton Woods conference that actually gave birth to the IMF and it will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall 25th it will also mark the seventh anniversary of the financial market jitters that quickly turned into the greatest global economy Keltie since the Great Depression the crisis still lingers yet optimism is in the air we've left the deep freeze behind us and the horizon looks just a bit brighter so my hope and my wish for 2014 is that after those seven miserable years weak and fragile we have seven strong years I don't know whether the g7 will have anything to do with it or whether it will be the g20 I certainly hope that the IMF will have something to do with it now is this wishful thinking no but it will not happen randomly without us together and policymakers in particular making the right decisions having the right policy mix organizing themselves in a coordinated way let me talk about first of all the global outlook as we see it and then I would like to touch on the policies that I believe will help us transform those seven miserable years into seven strong years now I'm going to anticipate on potential questions that some of you might be tempted to ask by just stating clearly that I'm not going to give you the number of our revised world economic outlook number that wil be disclosed on January 21st suffice to say that it will be directionally positive as a revision but I'm going to discuss the main trends but not the numbers we saw the momentum strengthened 以下略