Why do I behold the visage of myselfbecoming a man-eating ogre underground

Why do I behold the visage of myself

becoming a man-eating ogre underground

and the coliseum of rose-adorned banquet before me...

in evisceration.

Fool, even if I were to devour the head, savour the heart,

even if I delve into the depths of bowels

and other deeper nymph-dwelling nether-parts

to a lionizing existence which I am a stranger...Man

as omniscience high above the mouth, I cannot feel your Pain.

if I then make the dead bodies float

flushing you out with flood,

to see your perdition in my uplifted, clearer Image in water

(formless, swallowing)

Human, my Friend

did I dare perhaps using all my yearnful tears,

or only a portion of my frivolous spit?
