Here it is!こらぁ(笑) ! I go to work with the heating on! ! Minus 10 points! !
2006年2月にメジャーデビューアルバム「RADWIMPS 3 ~無人島に持っていき忘れた一枚~」を発売。 現在も大ロングセラー中。 続いて、5月に「ふたりごと」7月に「有心論」、11月「セツナレンサ」とシングル3枚を発売。 この3枚のシングルを含む、怒涛の全13曲。 全曲が、圧倒的に凄いです。 是非聴いて体験して下さい。
In February 2006, they released their major debut album ``RADWIMPS 3 ~The one I forgot to take with me on a deserted island~''. It is still a long seller. Subsequently, they released three singles: "Futarigoto" in May, "Yushinron" in July, and "Setsunarensa" in November. A total of 13 songs, including these three singles. All the songs are overwhelmingly amazing. Please listen and experience it.
The one photo you forgot to take with you on a deserted island? !