

“DETECTIVE X #2 Black Rose” information has finally been released.

Special site↓


Release date is September 27th.

*Pre-sale will be held at the Real Escape Game Festival from August 23rd to 25th.

*Michio will directly hand out products with autographed postcards to 300 people in a lottery.

Many people seem to have become interested in Michio's novels because of ``DETECTIVE X''.

I'm confused as to which one to start reading, so please use this "Search for recommended works for you"↓


Or if you like ``DETECTIVE

I'm sorry to everyone who was unsuccessful in this "handing over party"...




However, I put my heart and soul into creating this piece, so I think my thoughts can be conveyed through each kit!



発売年月 2010年5月

ISBN 978-4-591-11813-9

判型 四六判

サイズ 194mm x 134mm

ページ数 279ページ

If you answered the question, please click here✨✨✨

From my journey to becoming a writer to stories about the girl I used to love...54 new and surprising essays. A special collection of the first picture book and play I ever wrote.

Release date: May 2010

ISBN 978-4-591-11813-9

Format: 46 format

Size 194mm×134mm

Number of pages: 279 pages

(✨Of course, this was the first time I heard about it (lol)✨)
