

``Undercover'' Jun Takahashi depicts a world without conflict through clothes

「アンダーカバー」高橋盾が服を通して描く対立のない世界  4年半ぶりにパリメンズでショー開催

公開:2024/06/25 (更新:2024/06/26)


「アンダーカバー」2025年春夏メンズ・コレクションよりPHOTO:WATARU MURAKAMI


会場は、2月末に行われた2024-25年秋冬ウィメンズ・コレクションのショーと同じ場所。しかし、窓から自然光が差し込む中で披露したウィメンズとは全く異なり、窓は完全に覆われ薄暗い空間が広がる。ショーは、高橋盾デザイナーがYouTubeで見つけたというオーストラリアの3ピースバンド、グラス ビームス(Glass Beams)が演奏する映像が映し出される中でスタート。インドにルーツを持つ、、、
UNDERCOVER'' Jun Takahashi depicts a world free of conflict through clothes. Held a show at Paris Men's for the first time in four and a half years

Publication date: 2024/06/25 (Updated date: 2024/06/26)

Text: WWDJAPAN Europe Correspondent Jun Yabuno

"Undercover" 2025 Spring/Summer Men's Collection PHOTO: WATARU MURAKAMI

On June 19th, UNDERCOVER held its first show in four and a half years at Paris Men's Fashion Week, announcing its Spring/Summer 2025 men's collection.

The venue is the same location as the 2024-25 Fall/Winter Women's Collection Show held at the end of February. However, unlike the women's show, where natural light streams in through the windows, the windows are completely covered, creating a dimly lit space. The show started with a screening of a video of Australian three-piece band Glass Beams that designer Jun Takahashi found on YouTube.
