These companies with no CEO are thriving TED ed で英語を学ぼう

There's a grocery store in Brooklyn, New York, with sales per square foot 4 times as high as any other grocery store in the area. 10,000 people work there, and it doesn’t have a CEO. 
This place is the Park Slope Food Co-op, and it’s one of 3 million cooperatives, or co-ops for short, around the world. Co-ops are a big part of the global economy: they employ 280 million people— 10% of the world’s workforce and the equivalent of over $2 trillion flow through their doors every year.

There's a grocery store in Brooklyn, New York, with sales per square foot 4 times as high as any other grocery store in the area.

sales per square foot 1平方フィート当たりの売上高
any other grocery store in the area この地域の他の食料品店

This place is the Park Slope Food Co-op, and it’s one of 3 million cooperatives, or co-ops for short, around the world.

the Park Slope Food Co-op パークスロープ・フードコープ

Co-ops are a big part of the global economy: they employ 280 million people— 10% of the world’s workforce and the equivalent of over $2 trillion flow through their doors every year.

Co-op 生活協同組合(フードコープ/生協)
Co-ops are a big part of the global economy 生協は 世界経済でも 重要な存在

they employ 280 million people 2億8千万人を雇用している。

the equivalent of over $2 trillion flow  2兆ドル以上のフロー(お金の流れ)に相当する量

Let’s rewind to 1844. 1844年に巻き戻してみましょう

A group of 28 weavers in Rochdale, England came together to create and co-own a store.
英国ロッチデールの 28 人の織り手グループが集まり、店舗を設立し、共同所有していました。
A group of 28 weavers in Rochdale 英ロッチデールの 織物工28人

By buying in bulk directly from suppliers, they could negotiate prices, which allowed all of them to buy stuff they couldn't otherwise afford.
by buying in bulk まとめ買いで
directly from suppliers サプライヤーから直接
negotiate prices 価格交渉する

, which allowed all of them to buy stuff その結果、全員が買い物をすることができた
buy stuff they couldn't otherwise afford 他の方法では買えないものを買う
, which allowed all of them to buy stuff they couldn't otherwise afford

They ran the store collectively and democratically, which was remarkable at the time.

They ran the store collectively and democratically
, which was remarkable at the time

The Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers wasn't the world's first co-op, but it was the first to publicize its principles— principles that guide co-ops to this day.
The Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers
publicize its principles 原則を公表する
principles that guide co-ops to this day 今日まで生協を導いてきた原則

Today, there are all kinds of co-ops: REI in the US and S-Group in Finland are large consumer co-ops.
今日、あらゆる種類の生協がある: アメリカのREIやフィンランドのSグループは大規模な消費者生協である。

Credit unions and mutual insurance companies are financial sector co-ops.

credit unions 信用組合
mutual insurance companies 相互保険会社
financial sector co-ops 金融業界の協同組合

And when farmers or other producers come together, that's a producer co-op.

farmers or other producers come together 農家や生産者が集まる
a producer co-op 生産者協同組合

※信用組合は、信用金庫と同じ協同組織の金融機関ですが、根拠法や会員(組合員)資格が異なります。 また、預金の受入れについても、信用組合は原則として組合員が対象ですが、信用金庫は制限がないなど業務の範囲も異なります。
