
SideM 8th 1日目レポ(初ライブに参加した海外Pから)



Anyway! I was going to write this using the notes app on my phone but it was getting too stupidly long I decided to write a post about it!

I'm a kaigaiP currently living in Japan somewhere in Kansai! I have been an M fan since the anime came out so around 6 years now (the passage of time is truly cruel…) and this was my first time going to an M live in person! I'm both TsubasaP and TeruP, but I like Drastars as a whole (seiyuu included) though if I had to choose a 3rd tantou it'd probably be Minori-san w I wanted to leave my memories of the live somewhere, mostly for myself so I won't forget in the future, so I decided to write this post! It's suuuuper long so whoever is actually reading this, I am sorry but also, thank you 🙇‍♀️

I arrived in Tokyo the day before the live on Friday (and am really glad I gave myself an extra day because I was very tired). I have only been to Tokyo once for like 10 hours when I arrived in Japan so I wanted to make the best out of my short time so I was running around on Friday! To make things short, I went to the Sky Tree and Asakusa before my check in in the hotel at 3pm so I was very busy w 


Both places were VERY, SUPER crowded despite being a Friday… Even while I was in Osaka and went to Dotonbori on the weekends I feel like it wasn't this crowded… I truly felt like I was in Tokyo www I didn't know there was a Chiikawa collab going on inside the Sky Tree and the photo spots were really cute! I'm really glad I noticed some other people taking their pictures so I could take mine too haha.

I also went to the Bandai Namco exhibition close to Asakusa! But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find any IM@s related stuff inside so I don't have any pictures to show here >< Went back to the hotel, checked in, crashed for a bit, woke up, thought of watching the Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning movie and then walk around Akihabara since I'd never been there.


After that little detour it was getting late and I had to wake up fully energized for the live the next day so I headed back to the hotel and prepared everything I'd need then passed out until the morning (I woke up at 6am regardless…)


As I said woke up suuuuper early (probably due to nerves/excitement…), got everything ready (omiyage, itaba, UOs, checked penla's batteries, etc) annd headed outside. Since I was in Tokyo, there were other things I wanted to do aside from going to the live, so I went to the Gundam base in the morning! I don't have Touma merch to take pictures with… I'm sorry for not taking you to Gundam, Touma >< Actually I forgot to take pictures with Teru as well… I'm so sorry… 


But anyway, it was getting late so I went to grab lunch at some fast food burger place (it's becoming a tradition at this point for me to eat a burger before live concerts and I don't know how I feel about that haha). Ended up just ordering a burger instead of the set because I didn't want to correct the cashier after I said「(バーガーの名前)お願いします」without adding the word "Set" 🫠 After that fail, I headed out to minato mirai station to see the 7th advertisement!


Lots of Ps taking pictures with the ad, I felt "Ah, there really is a SideM live happening today". I, too, took a picture with my Teru nui and 6th Teru for double Teru effect. Minato mirai is closer to K-Arena than Yokohama station so I'm glad I arrived there for the first day! Also while waiting for oomfie at the park behind the venue I saw the SideM truck going around!!! I got really emotional and once again felt the reality of going to the live hitting…

Drive a liveと聞いた時泣きそうになった

I met up with oomfie and then met lots of nice Ps at the venue! I am so thankful to everyone who gave me their P card even though I didn't have one ;; I wanted to prepare one but I just didn't find the time. I will for sure make one for 9th though! This is an promise.

I wasn't going to buy anything so by just hanging around the venue with everyone the time suddenly flew by and to line up to go inside I went (around 4:20pm I think) At this point I was starting to feel like it was becoming real, I was getting nervous for some reason lol. The process of going in was very smooth and fast, but the signal at K-Arena was kinda trash at that point so I was really happy I had the QR Code saved in one of my Google Chrome tabs lmao.



Got my seat cried for being level 7 but accepted the fate given to me by the Asobikun 一般先行 gods. At least I was there so regardless of the seat I was happy! Coincidentally, the entire group I was with (7 people I think?) got seats in level 7 too except for one, who got level 5. All were Asobi premium members, though the seats were better for them for day 2 so the theory of one good seat (level 3 or arena) and one bad seat (level 5 or 7) for premium members checks out. 

I separated from the group (we all had different gates), but I had a slight headache due to not properly drinking water (didn't wanna pee 🤪) so I basically just went to my seat (my legs hurt so bad due to the stairs… so many stairs…) and stayed there pretty much all the time reading (or trying to because 漢字弱すぎて草) the Q&A. I completely missed the "What would you do if you were invisible?" question due to bad japanese, so I hope they include that on the DVD/BD because some answers were very funny (Kaoru saying he'd bring earplugs to the pajama party or Chris saying he'd dive deep into the ocean after suddenly growing to be 315m tall)


Went one last time outside to use the toilet. The bar and the rest area outside the seats were nice. I haven't been to enough venues to compare (Orix Theater Osaka and Zepp Namba, which are both small venues) but it does feel like the architect who designed K-Arena kept everything in mind.

Anyway, went back to my seat one last time. I was on a corner which meant I only had one person to my right which was a little sad but on the other hand I could get up at any time without inconveniencing anyone. The Hands and Claps practice video kept playing in between the Q&A sessions, they were making sure we had the dance memorized for sure, lol. These practices somehow made everything feel even more real since everyone was doing the calls. It was a good warmup for the live!

Then the start! Classic Ken video about what to do/not to do. But then the call practice video with Touma, Kanon and Kirio (Haruna) ((I GOT THE MEMBERS WRONG FOR TODAY CRYING)) surely caught me off guard! I realized straight away that those were the idols not present for the live and thought it was nice they included them like this. I sadly don't remember much of these calls, (but Haruna was for sure related to donuts haha) ((IT WAS INDEED RELATED TO DONUTS BUT IT WAS ON SUNDAY!!! Brain please!!!!!!!!!!) And after this, the live started! 

1. Hands&Claps!:

I wasn't sure if they'd start with the theme song and they did! It's amazing how this wasn't even released at the time yet the calls were almost perfect. Everyone was wearing their units' outfits which made it super easy for me to follow Drastars! I was following Shugon like a hawk lmao Though I also felt my brain splitting its functions by trying to both look at the screens (clear view of whoever was on it) and the actual stage (far and hard to see, but I had to keep looking at Drastars lmao).

Not having the ご挨拶 surprised me, I think this is a first? Missing「アイドル界の一番星になる男だ!」and「俺の歌聞いてください!」But it's ok. Also looking back at previous lives they stopped saying their lines since 6th, like the aisatsu was still there though just not the idols' lines (other Ps told me they don't do aisatsu for other branches so perhaps M has always been the odd one out haha).

2. Sparkle Sign/熱情! Burning voltage/トキメキ・ぷろろーぐ:

So straight into the solos we went. Hamaken was so smiley and genki during Ryuu's solo, I loved his energy. Also, something that surprised me and new to SideM: there were back up dancers! In the past they either performed alone or the backup dancers were other seiyuu (shout out to 2nd's Favorite ni Odorasete where Junya got fake slapped by Kobapyon). I am a fan of other idol franchises outside of IM@s, so I know backup dancers are common, but I wasn't expecting them in an M live. An interesting change for sure (I do hope they stick to only having them during solos though)

Machuyan was so cool during Suzaku's solo, the flames with the stage effects left a big impression. I feel like this was the first time in the live where I truly felt the production level of the stage team. The blue and red lights together with the fire timed with the "Burning Heart! Burning Heart!" part of the song was really cool. Side note, Nyanko was hanging out for dear life on Machuyan's shoulder ww.

Then Nao's solo! The switch between Nao's voice and Yano-san's real voice will never not be impressive to me, the control he has over his range is amazing. Not once did he ever lose control of his voice. The dancers seemed to be following Nao's instructions at some point of the song, it was very cute!

3. S! T! A! R! ting:

I was not expecting Drastars to be so early on I screamed so loud, I feel like I should've apologized to the P sitting besides me www. Once again I'm so happy this song got released on streaming days before the live so I could prepare for it... It's such a good song too 😭 (totally not DrastarsP bias) And what's more... The... The Trolleys… They were still really far away despite everything but at least I somehow felt they were closer.

Shugon was so smiley as always he's truly like the sun... Taku going 🫶 during「夢だって大きい愛だって」was so ((clutches chest)) ugh when he goes full Tsubasa mode he's so deadly... Also Takuchan is like 70% leg, he isn't even that tall but his legs are so long... Sorry for the random comment but they are so long in fact that I noticed all the way up in level 7. Yuma is truly a vocal powerhouse (tbh everyone in Drastars sings really well) ((totally not my bias)). Yuma and Taku's high five while in the trolleys too…… aghhh…. And when they came back to the center stage they were all so smiley and giddy I just……

My vocabulary isn't good and my kimo ota side is truly coming out, but I just wanna say I'm so happy I got to see Drastars live after being a fan for this long like… I got into SideM because Tsubasa looked like a character I liked from other series, so my ワケあって is really shallow w, but now it feels like I was truly meant to like SideM… I feel like I've been alive for this moment… (dramatic) ((stars))

4. オーロラ・モーメント/アトモスフィア/Tick Tack Voice/筆跡の彼方

And into other string of solos! Rei's solo was really nice. One of the good points of level 7 is how clearly you can see the laser/projection work in the stage and they sure used them for this solo! I think they looked like waves? My memory is kinda fuzzy lol Also seeing Yusuke sing with so much confidence alone in the middle of such a big stage truly made me think he has come a long way, I still remember how he was hiding behind Tokki all the time during 2nd haha, 大丈夫だったよ!

Hideo's solo! Kuma-chan was alone in the stage just like Yusuke. The orange lights together with the melody somehow gave me a melancholic feeling? Despite this being probably the 2nd or 3rd time listening to this solo. Also despite being all the way up on level 7 I didn't notice when they got the bench on the stage lmfao How??? When??? What do you mean I didn't notice! Once again the stage staff pulling some sort of black magic.

Seiji's solo! (Another ballad. I'm realizing these 3 solos were all ballads. The string of ballads lmao) Massan was alone too I think? Also another cool part of the stage came out during this solo! The second? stage on top of the main stage with the screen worked sort of like a moving background? So it gave the feeling that Massan was taking a stroll while singing. Very nice!

Kazuki's solo next! Ugh this solo's lyrics are so😢Lots of firsts for Hiruman in this live. His first tricolor, first time hearing calls and also first ever solo. You could tell how emotional he got during the last chorus of the song… Thinking about the past isn't good, so I'm not going to comment on that, but I wanna say that I'm really grateful it's Hiruman the one voicing Kazuki now… I still remember when he was introduced in that one Niconama, how he was so nervous he had to constantly wipe his sweat, how he must have felt after having to take on a role… But Hiruman fit right in, I'm so glad he's having lots of first experiences with M! I hope he can continue voicing Kazuki from now on too!! (And I had this realization while writing this, but at this point in time he has been voicing Kazuki for half of M's existence… Time flies)

5. MC break

First MC break and my feet couldn't have been happier haha I was wearing comfy shoes but still standing up for such a long time really hurts! Solo members for this MC only. I feel bad for Yusuke having to be the one leading while being around these crazy people ww 

I have bad memory for this type of stuff so I'll only write what I remember. Machuyan mentioned the fire being hot and being like "The producers on front surely felt the heat" Also Nyanko in his shoulder as I said was flighting for his life www Oh and someone went "nyaaaa" but I have no clue who that was lol

Naga no Yu-san (??) ((Yusuke)) said looking at everyone (in the audience) was kinda embarrassing www Kuma-chan went "Ahh yes the dancers… but I didn't have any" lmao. I'm speed running through all the comments but Massan next and I can't believe I got to experience「まっさんかわいい!!!」irl and I got to scream with everyone, truly full circle moment for my life www Kuma-chan and Hama were like "WHOAAA SO NOSTALGIC" haha. Hiruman next and he indeed said he cried during the solo…

Yusuke said it's time for next the next song and everyone came back to the stage! I thought they'd for sure sing a group song like Pride Star maybe Beyond the Dream but nothing could have prepared me for the curveball M was going to throw at us with…

6. みんなで歌おう!SideMメドレー

I was like "EHHHH?!!?! EHH ちょっと待って???なに???" Like it wasn't registering in my brain this is the first time they do something like this! It's my first on site live and they're testing my heart like this, I wasn't prepared! Also Drastars was introducing this corner, telling us the lyrics were going to be on screen and to sing and then Yuma in Kaoru mode said「皆さん大きな声で、一番上も(はい私ですw)真ん中も、っっっっその辺もw」and I just had to laugh that was so Yuma lmfao And then Shugon "That area?? which area?? oi" like he was scolding him www then the cherry on top was Yuma snorting into the mic followed by a string of "Gross" "ew", finalizing with Fuumin telling him to "Put Uchida Yuma away today" I was dying in my seat.

  1. ANYWAY, medley starts with 運命光年 and cues to me crying.

  2. Then We're the One! it was impossible for me to not do the dance I hope I didn't bother my seat mate ww Also calls!

  3. AND THEN Legacy of Spirit I love Legenders a lot too, to think I'd see this song I like so much being performed live after so many years………. 

  4. 情熱。。。FIGHTER absolutely nothing but bangers in this medley. At this point I don't know if I was singing or screaming lol All these songs are engraved in my heart you don't understand.

  5. Study Equal Magic! I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT TO TAKENOKO DANCE ON SITE all these years of doing it alone at home while watching the older lives… ah… I'll never forget this moment of my life… never…

  6. 夢色VOYAGER Uryao changing the lyrics with "Yokohama" I'm emotional… Then him and Hiruman standing back to back… the calls were really fun!

  7. VIVA!!ファミリーリズム ngl I wasn't too familiar with this song but following the lyrics on the screen was pretty easy「いち、に、さん、し!に、に、さん、し!」

  8. もっふ・いんざぼっくす♪ Another song I have always wanted to do the calls for! 

  9. Tone's Destiny favorite Altessimo song for real 😭 I was singing so loud.

  10. Café Parade! Everyone was pretty cute dancing to the song! Also even though Cafepara wasn't there and everyone else wasn't exactly following their choreo the producers were which made me think how we have this in our hearts… Also I could clearly see Drastars + Kanbara-san goofing around with my level 7 hawk vision www what were they doing? www.

  11. バーニン・クールで輝いて Probably the song I screamed the loudest with!!!! Shinsoku songs just it that way.

  12. JOKER➚オールマイティ I had a towel in my bag but I didn't take it out on the spur of the moment >< I was moving my penlights in circles though!! Also screamed「出来ないことなんてないよ!」really loud too.

  13. 喝彩!~花鳥風月~ I was dancing to this too despite Tony and Yuuyu not doing the full choreo my body truly has SideM engraved in its memory. Also NYAN!! WASSHOI WASSHOI!!!

  14. Fun! Fun! Festa! BAITO FAMILY ENJOY FESTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again screaming really loud for this……. Beit is like my 2nd favorite unit and Fun Fun Festa is such a fun song (no pun intended…?)

  15. 勇敢なるキミヘ 「呼んでくれよFRAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!」I didn't know I could scream so loud 💀

  16. MOON NIGHTのせいにして NOTHING COULD HAVE PREPARED ME FOR THIS LIKE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I LOST MY MIND, when I heard the first「おいで」I was DEAD. I completely forgot I had UOs in my bag too I was too shocked to even think to reach out for them MY HEART WAS RACING, MY MIND WAS BLANK. Even though it wasn't even the full version Moon Night had this effect on me… my god… I truly apologize for the person I became… Also when Shugon said「K-Arena抱かせてくれ!」I was just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ((DrastarsP delusions)) 

7. リトルマイシューズ

This solo deserves its own section because Fuukun's performance was breathtaking he ate that up. He always goes the extra mile but holy jesus this time? Saw some producers saying stuff like "Omg Kpop??" www His dance was very on point and he was really well synced with the back dancers. His singing was really good even though he was moving around a lot… Just how much did he rehearse for this to be able to pull it off…

8. スカイスケープノート

Ah yes… the moment I passed away to the next life… When I heard the sound of the airplane… I knew… I knew it was coming… Can I say I just love this solo so much… Like Yakusoku wa Dreaming Flight is iconic but Skyscape Note is just so… UGH… SO EMOI… Takuchan was as always super smiley and cute while singing as Tsubasa😭Also at the end of the solo the sky on the screens turned from a blue sky into a night sky, giving way to…

9. My Starry Song

THIS SONG ON GOD MAKES ME CRY, the lyrics ughhhhhh「いつか僕らが世界中笑顔で癒せたら」like Kaoru is using "We" instead of "I" in this song😭I'm TeruP and TsubasaP, Kaoru isn't really on my tantou list but his character development and how in this solo he's not talking about just himself but his unit mates too is just so… It hits man… Also Yuma's truly a vocal powerhouse (have I said this before?), the way he put so much emotion into his voice for this solo…

10. Beginning Tomorrow

Finally the sky goes back to being blue and we see the break of dawn, the sun is here!「君の太陽が照らす」

I BROKE AN UO FOR THIS I REMEMBERED TO BREAK AN UO FOR THIS!!!!!!! The stage lighting for this song was so perfect it truly made it feel like we were witnessing the break of dawn… From dark blue and reds to sky blue… Shugon being front and center while singing「俺は今ここにいるよ!」felt reassuring, like "I will always be here!" I don't know how to explain properly with words… like someone's patting you on the back telling you everything will be ok they're there for you… M's state is what it is but I feel like Shugon was telling us it's ok… They'll always be there… And I'm tearing up while writing this…. やっぱドラスタは最高

The medley truly made me remember their Shizuoka performance where they went 約束はドリーミングフライト > Because (such a good solo btw) > The First Star > Arrive to Star. The order was even the same! My only wish is that they'd sung the full versions of the song (I was talking to other TeruPs after the live and they were like "Me too!") and also kinda wish they'd ended with an extra song to round up the medley (maybe Change to Chance?) but it's ok, my DrastarsP heart was so full after that medley… I have the memory of this moment forever burned into my heart and soul. I'll continue producing Drastars to the best of my abilities… 😭⭐🌟⭐

11. Radiance of Heart/Fireworks -Wanna Be A Star-

Amehiko's new solo is so good man… Kasama-san was singing right in the middle of the stage with a stand mic, so you'd fully have your eyes on him! The stage was slightly dark with blue and red lights + lasers, oh and also fire! I remember Kasama-san saying he might have been a little bit too fired up for this performance but I think he did pretty good www Side note but Amehiko has a really good set of solos, Sweep your Gloom is really good too.

Then Fireworks!! I talked to a JiroP before the live and told her "You might die today… Yoshiki's gonna sing the solo for sure" I hope she's alive and well www. Anyway we truly had fireworks (like for real), Yoshiki was standing in the same 2nd stage Massan used during Seiji's solo and they had fireworks set up in front of him! Plus fireworks in the screen too! The ligths were set up to orange to complete the atmosphere. Every time Yoshiki said "Fireworks!!" the stage lit up! I thought them editing Yoshiki's face into the screen with the fireworks was kinda goofy but super fitting for M wwww 

12. 今宵、笑むように/SASH OF SMILE/ゆきゆきて華やかに/You're

Shoma's solo! I think this was my first time hearing this solo >< (They released 49 elements Sai and Drastars a couple days before the live so I only listened to Drastars' and a bit of Aishouka), and I kinda wasn't expecting this type of song for Shoma haha But Tony did really well! 

Daigo's solo! Uryao said to prepare our towels but I once again didn't take mine out of my bag……. Uryao has so much energy for jumping around and moving the towel haha He once again changed some lyrics to Yokohama! (thank you Uryao for my life). Also this song had calls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!「はなまるSmile!!!!」

Kuro's solo! Really cool song! Also I remember reading a KuroP tweet asking people to change their penlights to aqua blue since that's Kuro's image color so that's what I did, shout out to that random KuroP on twitter! Oh also, I was basically forced to look at Yuuyu directly all the way from level 7 since the screens stopped working for like half of the solo? I somehow felt how big K-Arena was at that moment www 

Sora's solo! A (non drastars non beit) solo that's constantly in my playlist (I like Fuumin's singing voice quite a lot. It's so unique? Starting my SoraP era ((no))) Fuumin was so cool (I feel like I say this about everyone but my vocabulary isn't good please forgive me), he was using an ear mic and dancing a lot too! Just like with Fuukun he was really synced with the dancers.

13. MC break

Another MC break and my legs once again couldn't have been happier haha It sounds silly but you do get really tired from standing around!
They spoke in their solo songs order and I remember both Fuukun and Fuumin being like "Of course there are parts that I would like to improve" and my brain immediately just went "Ok but where?????". Fuumin specially seemed to be a bit frustrated but I genuinely could not tell you where exactly he needs to improve I thought his performance was already pretty impressive!

Then the baton got passed to Drastars. Taku commented on how singing the solo is always scary for him (I feel like he said something similar in 2nd (3rd?) too, feels like Drastars always has each other's backs so being alone is a bit terrifying ww). Then Yuma! And he said「そうっすね!」but everyone heard「ちょうっすね」and started poking fun at him, being like "Who???" www Then he said melody wrong and went "I'm sorry my mouth isn't working properly today. I'm sorry I can't keep up with Kaoru during the MCs I hope you can forgive me" and Taku jumped in "It's ok this is the MC, it's that kind of place so it's ok" M is very warm indeed… 

Finally Shugon! And he said「315、315とは言いますけれどもね」(これ英語でマジなんですか???)and Taku was just "Ah, it's here!" and Shugon "What do you mean by that?" Taku "So when we were preparing backstage for the live Shugon said the same thing" and he proceed to imitate his voice www Somehow that feels nostalgic to me www Then Yoshiki "If you say that then it's not 315 anymore is it" and Shugon "Today we want to go over it right, so going over 315 if we add 1 it's 316 (saimu?) right?" (what is he saying??? 困感) "Everyone you're 316!" (fr what is he saying??? www)

Then Kasama-san and Fuumin just "To Kasama Jun what would be sai-?" and Yoshiki just "This is gonna come bite you later". This whole Sai thing just kept going throughout the entire MC, Kasama-san said 320(サニーレタス) (what is that??? what are you saying???) Yoshiki "That's going to trend on Twiter! What are we gonna do if that suddenly gets into the trends!" 

The first solo half of the cast went inside and only the second half remained on stage (Uryao, Yoshiki, Yuyu, Tony and Fuumin) Yoshiki was talking about how they had dancers this time around and he thought he'd dance less but then he didn't end up having any dancers www The baton got passed to Tony while everyone was being like "Ohhh so big/tall" and Tony just「コロラドの巨人か!?」and everyone "That's the first time you say that" lmfao.

Then Uryao? was it? I only remember him saying it was amazing how he got to sing 2 songs with towels and how he kept pushing to everyone to buy the towels it was so funny www (this will be a recurring joke from now on). Then finally Fuumin and just like I said in his solo he said he wanted to improve on some parts(マジでどこ!?)and ended up with "I wanna do it again" which got us fired up but Yoshiki shot that down with "That's not good we have a performance tomorrow too!". And Yoshiki got the Sai joke back to Fuumin just like he said he'd do www And Fuumin came up with 31800 aka Saipan and then Yoshiki (I think?) made us scream "We are SAIPAN!!!" (everyone in the background being like "Nooo" "Nooo that's yabai!!") instead of Saikou. Same brain I'm telling you, same brain www

14. 素敵にCon grazia!

Kanbara-saaaannnnn!!! Surrounded by dancers!! I could see the chandelier from level 7 together with all the screen effects, truly casino! 

There was this instrument break in the middle of the song and I was thinking "What are they going to hit us with now?" because surely this long instrumental break isn't in the original song lol And then Kanbara-san came out dressed with 8th live's costume while surrounded by fireworks!! Then the dancers went away and the rest of the cast came on stage dancing!!! They were all so cute 😭 But my personal hell started from here because it was so hard to tell who was who from so far away www I was sort of using Taku as a landmark for Drastars since he's so lanky (affectionate) but at this point I kinda just focused on the screens.

15. Hands & Claps!

I was surprised they were going to sing Hands&Claps again and also of this being the last song! I was still holding on to Drastars singing another group song 🥲 Or maybe Frame singing a song? But Hands&Claps is a fun song (even if the All hands together part of the choreo is kinda embarrassing to do www) so I forgive them! The calls are very fun!

16. Encore break

Remember how I said being on the corner was good because I didn't inconvenience anyone if I wanted to get out? When I realized the claps thing for the encore was going to go all the way up to 3,150,000 I ran to the bathroom lmfao (couldn't figure out how to open the door either so I stood there like🧍‍♀️for a good while)

I don't remember much of the announcements and they're on Twitter but when I tell you everyone lost their minds when they announced the new CD series omg And Also the Jupiter theme song! And the JR collab! I wish they'd bring that last one to Kansai too please I'm on my knees. We got some video messages for Fancon. First Drastars, then Sai and finally Legenders (side note, the seat where I was at was kinda in front of a speaker which wasn't an issue during the rest of the live but for this message I could not see Amehiko's face since he's so stupidly tall wwww)

17. Take a StuMp!

Finally the song I practiced so much for!! I had Take a Stump constantly on loop for the past like 2 weeks because I wanted to make sure I yelled the right names in order! I also prepared my two penlights for this moment!! I think it's criminal how this song released when lives couldn't have call and responses like it's the perfect song for that! I am glad I got to be part of the first time this song got performed like this… Also once again I felt envy of the people in Arena/level 3 stands because they were throwing balls everywhere🥹 but level 7 is too damn high even if they had canons the balls will for sure never reach www 

18. Final MC break 

Cast commented on how this was the first time Take a Stump got performed like this in a yearly live and see??? It's not just me! Yuma was being serious but we were laughing for some reason so he was like "Why??? Am I saying something weird???" and I remembered how the exact same thing happened during 1st www Somehow when Yuma speaks we all laugh for some reason.

Yusuke being like "It was really fun! Standing in this new stage by myself I was wondering if I'd be ok… It was ok!" and then adding「明日はもっと大丈夫な人連れてくる」was funny like what's a daijobu na hito wwww

Kuma-chan's「お疲れ様でした!!!!!」reached all the way to level 7 despite him not using a mic, K-Arena sound is truly saikou… Massan once again got「かわいい」screamed at him before he started speaking… He truly is very cute www. Then for some reason while Tony was speaking Yusuke was intensely staring at him then Yuyu joined in and Tony was like !?!?! www

Machuyan apologized to some producer for throwing a ball right at their face on the spur of the moment www Also the "BURNING!!!" call 😭😭. Oh and cv Yano Shougo! He didn't have the chance to do this earlier today. Obligatory "I can't believe Nao's voice comes out of Yano-san"  www He said he went to Levels 5 and 7 during the rehearsals and was like "oh it's really far right?" and in my heart I was like "YES IT IS" lmao OH ALSO「最強に一番!!!」call… I feel like I hit all the calls I have ever wanted to do during this live….. truly alive for this moment.

Yoshiki's turn! I remember lots of details from Yoshiki's part because he's always so funny www He's the one who kicked out the ojisan/oneesan streak by saying "Tomorrow there's gonna be 2 more ojisans with me". He also wondered if he'd be ok because he was alone, but said "It ended up being ok, but on the other hand I'm nervous about tomorrow" Enoki Junya is truly a force to be reckoned with wwwww Uryao said they'd have a "Kawaii oneesan" tomorrow in Flags which prompted Yoshiki to say "We might have cute ojisans too" I am telling you the M cast shares the same brain www Then we finished with Legenders being like "Tomorrow we'll have a tall ojisan with a loud voice" crying. M cast is truly nakayoshi…

Finally Drastars. Taku's and Yuma's speeches were really nice, but sorry all I remember is Yuma's iconic ハハハハハ laugh and Shugon going "It's been a while since I've heard this laugh" lol and to think I'd hear it live too after many many years of following Yuma around www Then Shugon's speech where he said "I thought this again today but, it's not like SideM has become like this due to it being supported by a lot of people, it's because each and every single one of you produced us that SideM has been able to stand like this. I wonder if the meaning will get across? It's because every single one of you has been following us that we have made this live, 8th, happen" Definitely non verbatim and I'm getting this from my own fuzzy memories and other Ps reports on twitter but 😭😭😭 just like I said in Beginning Tomorrow, it felt like Shugon was sort of reassuring us that M is still here, that they are still here, that we can still continue to support them… That M still has a lot to offer (despite Bamco being what it is but I'm trying to keep this report positive!)


Finally the song that started everything 🥹 Other lives in the past have finished with other songs so I am really glad we got Drive a Live as the final song for this day… I don't know how many times I have said this but it didn't feel real how I got to experience this song live after so many years of seeing it performed in the past like… This song means so much to me… And to M as a whole too… I screamed my heart out with "Just keep on going we are 315!!!".. Truly I was alive to get to experience this moment (dramatic) ((stars….))

Then the final aisatsu! Again screamed my lungs out with「アイマス!!」. I know some people were conflicted on whether to say this call or not, and idk if as an only SideMP I can say this, but M is part of im@s and I feel like despite bamco trying to make it seem like they are not, they still are. M is M because it is im@s, so I think saying the call is ok. But anyway good thoughts only! The camera! Everyone was very cute as always!! And Drastars stayed behind for one last aisatsu too and said「ありがとうございました!!!」without the mics🥹(レベル7も聞こえましたよ!!!ありがとう!!!)

One last thing, I thought I was seeing things (because I was so far) but Shugon touched Taku's butt didn't he? I was like "Wait did he touch Taku's butt? Drastars nakayoshi www" and then confirmed with the Ps I met up after the live, like I was truly not seeing things it was something that happened! But I think more than a grab, Shugon was probably reaching for Taku's back but since he's so leg he touched his butt by accident www Just something funny is all.

20. Final thoughts 

And just like that the live was over… Sounds silly but it still sort of didn't feel real lmao But anyway, one of the good things of level 7 is you get out of the venue pretty quickly. Idk if it's because I was level 7, and this is going to sound odd because like you can see the entire venue from up there, but seeing the amount of people outside truly set in the capacity of the K-Arena… wow…


I made plans to meet with oomfs in the Anpanman (I didn't snap a picture but the thing looks scary at night for some reason lol) and met another KaigaiP who was also waiting there! Funny how we were both waiting for different kaigaiPs in the same place www We were chatting for a bit and she was very nice! Side note but I was sooooooooo thirsty jesus christ, I could've downed a whole bottle of Pocari Sweat then and there, it's not even summer anymore lmao (please always drink water, guys)

It was getting pretty late when we went to the family restaurant we were planning to go to so at the end we decided to just buy some stuff at the famima close by and have a small toast outside. Met a couple of TeruPs there and we shared the same thoughts while talking about S! T! A! R! ting and the solo medley ("I wish they'd sung the entire solo!" both of them "ME TOO". TeruPs sharing a brain, あったけえええ). Then I went back to the hotel with oomfie and we spoke about the live throughout the entire train ride lmfao I arrived at my hotel well past midnight and of course crashed and died until the next day…

And with this, first day report is over! IT'S TOO DAMN LONG!!!! No one but me is gonna read this!!!!!

My closing thoughts are just, I love Dramatic Stars so much and I am so glad the stars (heh) sort of aligned for past me to be able to somehow find SideM through a silly reason and get into it. I've been following M for such a long time and every year I have watched their lives through BD/DVD hoping, praying one day I'd be able to experience a live show and it's come true now… I'll probably write something more proper on the day 2 report, but this was truly like a dream come true, cheesy as it may sound haha. I just love the M cast so much! I'll continue doing my best so I can see Drastars live at another time!!! (and maybe from a closer seat too haha crying)

