
2023年度SAKE DIPLOMA International対策問題集 Vol.3

昨年までAmazonのKindleで販売していた「Japanese SAKE QUIZ 250: SAKE DIPLOMA International 2022 support (English Edition)」を、今年からnoteにて無料公開することにしました。定期的に更新していきますので、受験する皆さんはぜひご活用ください。


Select one sake rice bred in Hyogo Prefecture in 1941.

  1. Aiyama

  2. Yamada Nishiki

  3. Hyogo Yume-Nishiki

  4. Fukunohana


Select one sake rice that had the largest area planted in 1963.

  1. Omachi

  2. Yamada Nishiki

  3. Gohyakumangoku

  4. Dewasansan


Among the aroma yeasts that have become widespread since the mid-1990s, select one of the most representative yeasts that first became popular.

  1. Yamagata KA

  2. Miyagi B yeast

  3. Alps yeast

  4. Hiroshima No.21 yeast


Select one taxable quantity of single distilled shochu in 2005.

  1. 250,000 kl

  2. 500,000 kl

  3. 750,000 kl

  4. 1,000,000 kl


Select one "sieve adjustment" value in Hyogo Prefecture in 2011.

  1. 2.05mm

  2. 3.05mm

  3. 4.05mm

  4. 5.05mm




¥ 100
