
2023年度SAKE DIPLOMA International対策問題集 Vol.31

昨年までAmazonのKindleで販売していた「Japanese SAKE QUIZ 250: SAKE DIPLOMA International 2022 support (English Edition)」を、今年からnoteにて無料公開することにしました。定期的に更新していきますので、受験する皆さんはぜひご活用ください。


Select one area in Ishikawa Prefecture with the largest number of sake breweries.

  1. Kanazawa

  2. Komatsu

  3. Hakusan

  4. Noto


From the weight of the white rice before washing and the weight of the soaked rice after washing, soaking, and draining, select one that shows the percentage weight increase to the original white rice weight in %.

  1. Koji Buai

  2. Kumi-mizu Buai

  3. Shubo Buai

  4. White rice water absorption ratio


Select one average Specially Designated Sake ratio in Japan.

  1. Approx. 30%

  2. Approx. 40%

  3. Approx. 50%

  4. Approx. 60%


Select one shochu produced in the Takachiho region of Miyazaki Prefecture as a representative production area.

  1. Imo shochu

  2. Kome shochu

  3. Mugi shochu

  4. Soba shochu


Select one prefecture where Otomo no Yakamochi left a poem about sake in Manyoshu.

  1. Niigata

  2. Nagano

  3. Toyama

  4. Ishikawa




¥ 100
