
2023年度SAKE DIPLOMA International対策問題集 Vol.38

昨年までAmazonのKindleで販売していた「Japanese SAKE QUIZ 250: SAKE DIPLOMA International 2022 support (English Edition)」を、今年からnoteにて無料公開することにしました。定期的に更新していきますので、受験する皆さんはぜひご活用ください。


In the behavior of sake yeast, select one yeast state at 11-14 degrees alcohol by volum.

  1. Slows down

  2. Self digestion

  3. Fermentation stops

  4. Active fermentation


Select one national average for sake consumption.

  1. 3.1L

  2. 3.8L

  3. 4.0L

  4. 8.8L


In the main enzymes of yellow yeast for sake, select one enzyme that breaks down steamed rice starch to dextrin.

  1. Alpha amylase

  2. Acid protease

  3. Glucoamylase

  4. Acid carboxypeptidase


Select one timing for the peak of specific gravity, known as the highest baumé, in sake unrefined.

  1. Several days after Hatsu-zoe

  2. Several days after Naka-zoe

  3. Several days after Tome-zoe

  4. Several days after Odori


In the Agricultural Products Inspection Results, select one value for the percentage of grain quality of brown rice for brewing used in Specially Designated Sake.

  1. 45% and above

  2. 60% and above

  3. 70% and above

  4. 80% and above




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