
66. 宇宙と地上から銀河の謎にアプローチ


↑触媒研究者で科学コミュニケーターのKatinka Wondergemカチンカ・ヲンダルゲムさんの力作です!カチンカさんへのインタビューはこちら

オランダ出身で、天体物理学のポスドク研究員のTom Bakxトム バックスさんです。宇宙望遠鏡と地上望遠鏡を駆使して銀河の形成や進化を研究しています。文化の違う土地での仕事や生活はきっと大変なことも多いはずなのに、研究や生活の充実っぷりをキラキラの笑顔で伝えるトムさんってどんな研究者なんだろう?と思い、インタビューを申し込んだところ、快くOKしてくれました。




── Why did you choose Japan to do your research?|研究の場として日本を選んだ理由は?

I've always had a strong connection to Japan. When I was small, I liked TV shows such as Pokemon. I practiced judo when I was a child and got into Aikido later on. At Delft University, I met Dr. Akira Endo who was natively from Japan and did a research project with him. In 2014, he invited me to go to Japan on a work visit for two weeks. That was my first experience here. And when a position opened in Nagoya, I applied, and I got it. I've been very happy with that decision ever since.

── You were involved in the project called DESHIMA as a graduate student. |  大学院生時代は、DESHIMAデシマという研究プロジェクトに参加していたそうですね。

It is a project that Dr. Endo led and is still leading. DESHIMA is a camera system for telescopes. It's named after a famous port in Nagasaki where the Dutch and the Japanese traded for over 200 years. In this project, we're building the camera system in Delft and together in Nagoya. The idea is to be able to very easily find a cosmological distance between us and these very far away galaxies.

── What is your typical workday like?|典型的な研究者としての一日は?

My typical workday often starts off with a cup of coffee to make sure I am nice and awake. I try to write a lot of research proposals to get more observation time on various telescopes, optical telescopes, or on space telescopes, or far-infrared telescopes. In total, in my time in Nagoya, I've written around 50 of them. We applied to James Webb for several projects. One of them got accepted. It should be observed by the end of the year. It's a truly fantastic opportunity. Moreover, James Webb has a policy where the first half year of data or so will be completely restrictionless because those are very important early science results.

── Can you tell us what you are studying?|研究について教えてください。

I tried to connect the very early moments of the universe to the environments we see around us today. I do that by studying the evolution of galaxies across cosmic time. The universe started off as a homogeneous cloud of gas, and this gas slowly collapsed into galaxies where a lot of stars were formed. Many of these processes are still big mysteries to us today. And especially in the very distant universe, these processes happened a lot faster and a lot more intensely than what we can study in the universe around us.

── How do you approach that topic?|どんな方法で調べるのですか?

I use telescopes that are in space, such as Hubble Space Telescope, Herschel, but also the James Webb will be very useful. At the same time, I use telescopes that are on the ground to provide a natural complement to the space-based studies. With space telescopes, we can get the highest quality image of several sources or several galaxies, while with ground telescopes we can study many more at the same speed as well.

── Can you give examples using that approach?|その方法での観測例を教えてください。

One of the best examples of this is 25 years ago when the Hubble telescope looked at a dark piece of sky for ten straight days. About half of the researchers didn't believe that there was going to be anything in the picture, but when the picture was developed, they saw over 3000 galaxies. Then the second discovery happened when a group of researchers looked at the same spot of the sky with a far-infra-red telescope that could look straight through dust clouds. Instead of seeing 3000 galaxies, they only saw five. But these five galaxies were nowhere to be found in the Hubble’s optical field, and together combined, these five stars were brighter than the 3000 stars. So this showed that not only are there more galaxies than we expect, but there are also galaxies that we will have to work at very hard to detect. And these are equally important to understand how the universe transitioned from gas into stars and dust and planets.

── What's your research goal?|研究のゴールは?

My research goal right now is to study these very bright, dusty galaxies. These galaxies are so rare that we can't use supercomputers to simulate how they look like. We really need to go and observe as many of them as we can to see what are their intrinsic properties. Are they all caused by two galaxies colliding and producing a lot of dust? Or is it a very special phase of galaxy evolution that causes this dusty starburst to occur? Currently, we don't know. But with the telescopes that we now have both in space and on the ground, we can now really try to look for the answer in samples as large as 300 of these galaxies. So it is a very exciting time.

── What's the most exciting moment in your research career so far?|これまでで一番ワクワクした瞬間は?

So with Hubble looking as far back as possible and finding these very faint galaxies, really in the cosmic dawn when the first galaxy started to form, we then look for the presence of dust. We found a little bit of dust at one color. And when we shifted the colors that we wanted to look at slightly, we failed to detect any dust at all. We didn't detect any dust in this galaxy at that color, which means that the bulk of the emission, the bulk of the light must be due. The shorter wavelengths are in the bluer colors of this galaxy. And this has dramatic cosmological implications on how galaxies evolve really in the early stages of the universe. First, we thought there isn't enough cosmological time to form dust. And now we have again had our expectations overturned. We see dust as extremely important in the early universe.

── What is your future direction like?|研究の今後は?

My dream future direction would be to use the same type of galaxies that James Webb will now uncover (they will be much, much further away!), and to study their intrinsic properties using radio telescopes and far-infra-red telescopes such as the ones in ALMA in Chile. I want to find a complete perspective on how the universe evolved from when it was very young until the current day around us right now.

── You have research opportunities all over the world, and it's very possible that you leave Japan sometime in the future. What are you going to miss about Japan?|今後、日本以外で研究する選択肢もあると思います。日本の生活のこれがなくなったら寂しいなぁと思うものはありますか?

I think the convenience of living in Japan is one of the things I will miss most about living in Japan, such as a convenience store exists around every corner. Onigiri exists everywhere that can solve any problem of a little bit of hungry. I love Kotatsu as well, and perhaps I can take one with me wherever I move to.


Tom Bakx(トムさんホームページ)
天体物理学研究室(名古屋大学大学院 理学研究科)
