
What happened to me after I appealed to english skil in job hunting as japanese doctoral course.

It has been 6 monthes since I joined my company.  
Today, I will write the one fact that "What happened to me after I appealed to english skil in job hunting as japanese doctoral course."

First: about my company

In july 2023, I received the job offer. Now, I belong to Japanese small company that focus on the abroad market. My company has hybrid atmosphere of traditional japanese company and multinational corporation.

What happened to me?

①Surprisingly, my first english session was before entry in the company. When I was three graduate of doctoral course, in summer vacation at jury 2023, I went to head office and I presented my study(by the way my reserch area was polymer phisics) for member of company. 

②In aplil 2024 after successflly to be Ph. D, I was joined the company. In less than a month, I assigned to guide to guidace the manufacture for important position. 

③September 2024
Recentry, I make engrish scipt of companey profile for visiting abroad companey's board members.


Thank you for my chief, I have been assined to important role which needs to expand our market into any other countries. I will do the best. And I wanna be world-class engeneer. 
