





The Purpose of Practicing Kendo 剣道修練の心構え

The purpose of practicing kendo is: To mold the mind and body, To cultivate a vigorous spirit, And through correct and rigid training, To strive for improvement in the art of kendo, To hold in esteem human courtesy and honour, To associate

    • The Concept of Kendo 剣道の理念

      The concept of Kendo is to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the katana(sword) 剣道は剣の理法の修練による人間形成の道である。 discipline 修練 principle 理法

      • English note(2020/02/28)

        This week I was talking about Coronavirus. I was going to go back Japan in this March. And I was worried about doing it. I was going to decide it by my son's school response day by day things are changing. On Monday ,the school announced t

        • My goals for 2020

          One of my goals this year is to put Kendo movements into words. It is very difficult. Because Kendo movements are not often analyzed scientifically. I have not learned much about the movements from my teacher. I watched the movements of my

        The Purpose of Practicing Kendo 剣道修練の心構え


        • 日記


          About me

          I'm nadeshiko365.I live in Bangkok. I love to play Kendo.I started practicing Kendo when I was in elementary school year two. I'm currently a grade six Kendo practitioner. Now, I'm teaching Kendo to Japanese children and Thai adults in Thai


          はじめまして。nadeshiko365です。 2019年4月からタイバンコクで暮らしています。夫と息子と3人家族。 タイに来るまではアロマインストラクター、アロマセラピストとしてスクールとサロンを経営していました。 友人関係、今までの経験を全てリセットしてタイに来て 自分を活かしてくれたのは小学校二年からやっている「剣道」でした。 まさか異国の地で剣道をするなんて思いもよらなかったのですが 色んなご縁が重なって、サークルの指導や現地の方への指導をしています 剣道
