


 これらの暴露は大変な衝撃! 大混乱が予想され一度にではなく、徐々に一部の人に公開している。私もみなさんが驚愕しないように公開された情報を伝えてショックを緩和させたいと願っています。ここ数ヵ月で観た伝説と陰謀論とSFと革命の混じった話をすると、みんな爆笑。信じないが「面白い!」
 日本はなぜ負けると分かっている戦争をしたのか? 真珠湾攻撃の時になぜ全ての戦艦を沈めなかったのか? なぜ同盟国のドイツの邪魔になるアメリカ開戦をしたのか? 日本がアメリカと戦争になるとアメリカは三国同盟のドイツと戦争できる。昭和天皇スパイなら納得できる。
 宇宙人は核戦争を何度も止めた。ミサイル実験で発射したミサイルが網に包まれて落とされる映像がある。韓国のミサイル実験の失敗、北朝鮮の行方不明の実験ミサイル、実は!? ロシアの隕石衝突の時に隕石の後ろから何かが後ろから撃ち抜いて爆破。巨大台風は気象兵器でできたが消滅。実は!?
 これらの驚くべき話は、今起きている奇妙なことに辻褄が合う。ツイッターで「ゲサラ」「gesara」検索を。もし、ベイシックインカムや借金帳消しが起こらなかったら? 私たちが起こしてウソを本当にするのです。

…「信じられない!」 私も衝撃を受けました。疑うのは正しい態度。でも、「本当かもしれない」と確認することも大切です。真偽不明のものもありますが、情報機関が流しています。



莫大な時間をかけました。#詩 #ユーモア #笑い #将棋 #shogi #名言 #教育 #学習  #地域活性化 #アート #まちっくり #年句 #陰謀 #小説

Cabal vs Galactic Alliance

"These revelations are a great shock!" Because it is expected to cause chaos, it is being gradually released to a limited number of people, rather than all at once. I also want to convey the information that has been released so that everyone will not be shocked, and I hope to alleviate the shock. People burst out laughing when I talked about the mixture of legends, conspiracy theories, sci-fi and revolution that I've seen in the last few months. Believe it or not, it's funny!
"Divide and rule" is a proverb of the Roman Empire. A cabal that makes neighboring countries fight each other, sell weapons, make wars, borrow money and rule.
Create a system where dissatisfaction goes to the middle with indirect control. British → Indians → Africa. England, America → Korean Choshu → Japan.
The Meiji Restoration was the Korean power in Choshu. Emperor Meiji was purged and his photo was under Queen Elizabeth. The emperor was replaced by a Korean force. Emperor Showa is exposed as a British general and a CIA agent. It was made to fight with neighboring countries such as Russia and China.
Why did Japan go to war knowing it would lose?Why didn't all the battleships sink when Japanese military attacked Pearl Harbor ? Why did Japan make the United States go to war because it would get in the way of Germany, an ally? If Japan goes to war with the United States, the United States can go to war with Germany in the Triple Alliance. If you are a Showa Emperor spy, you can understand.
 The net blew up because ``Japan is full of Koreans in the political, entertainment, and financial worlds,'' but the Unification Church issue brought it to light. The only post-war Japanese prime ministers are Kakuei Tanaka and Keizo Obuchi. Many TV MCs are Koreans. The Korean clique exploits the Japanese and thinks only of their own prosperity.
Koreans rule regardless of the ruling or opposition party. It is true that the Showa era prime ministers made Japan prosperous, but today's second and third generations have prioritized their own prosperity and made Japan a servant of Korea. Korean entertainment is global and it would be nice if such people came to Japan, but now only the elderly watch TV.
"Earthquake research is a military secret in the United States." The factory of Nakajima Airplane was destroyed by the tsunami attack of the 1944 earthquake. If there is no P wave, it is an artificial earthquake. Also the Great East Japan Earthquake. There was no nuclear accident, just an earthquake and the explosion of the nuclear power plant caused by nuclear weapons.
In order to prolong the Korean War, US military information was leaked from Britain to the enemy side. Naturally, the U.S. military suffered a great deal of damage. Same with the Vietnam War. Neither of the most powerful US forces won.
From the point of view of US soldiers risking their lives, the cabal is the enemy of US soldiers. You put up a straight businessman, President Trump. BRICs such as President Putin and President Xi Jinping nationalized when Russia's resources were taken away by vultures, and behind them are aliens who wish for peace in the Galactic Federation.
Debt cancellation and basic income using the assets of the exploited cabals as a source of funding. As a result, financial institutions, including the central bank, went bankrupt. Mass arrests of those who exploited and committed crimes but were not caught.
When people no longer have to work, they must engage in activities such as art and philosophy that raise their own level. Religion was introduced by aliens. Mars has the face of Buddha. Liberation, love, prayer, it must be a technique to raise the dimension.
"How can you believe in aliens you've never met?" I became curious when President Trump began to disclose UFO information, so I started watching aliens and UFO information on Facebook. Then, a large amount of photos of Ooparts, aliens, clay tablets, lithographs, coins, etc. such as spaceships from various regions were sent.
Giants, mermaids, fairies, human skulls with two horns, skulls with fangs, humanoid aliens with wings. Firebird. Pyramid is a free energy power generation facility. The Sphinx has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. Undersea city, underground city.
The Biblical Sodom, Gomorrah, and Noah's Ark must have really existed. Atlantis and Mu submerged in war. The ends of the Mu continent are Hawaii and Japan. Considering from the ruins, civilization passed from Japan to China.
Considering the existence of aliens, Taro Urashima and Legend of Hagoromo may have really happened. He got on the back of a turtle without drowning in an alien undersea city. The celestial maiden was unable to fly because her flight suit was taken away.
"Aliens have stopped nuclear war many times." There is a video of a missile launched in a missile test being wrapped in a net and dropped. South Korea's failed missile test, North Korea's missing experimental missile, why!? When the Russian meteorite collided, something shot through the back of the meteorite and exploded. The giant typhoon was created by weather weapons, but disappeared. why!?
"These amazing stories are consistent with the strange things that are happening right now." Search for "gesara" "gesara" on Twitter. What if basic income and debt cancellation wouldn't happen? We will wake up and realize lies.
