
【Japanes Ancient Script "Katakamuna" Script】日本の古代文字 “カタカムナ”

Believe it or not is up to you!

We learn that Japanese language didn't have letters before kanji was imported from China. But, some say, Japan used to alredy  have about 30 different types of letters before kanji.  And Katakamuna script is one of the most unique scripts among them.  Nobody knows when exactly the script was made and also who made it but it's said that the script was made more than 12 thousand years ago. 
そしてその中でも一際ユニークな文字が “カタカムナ” です。

Katakamuna was recognized by a Japanese physicist, also electrician called "Kougetsu Narazaki" in 1949. 
One day, while he was exploring the geological formations in Mt. Kincho, he met a misterious old man named "Hiratoji" who claimed to be a descendant of the head priest of an ancient shrine.
And that old man showed him some scroll which was handed down as that shrine's sacred object, and some symbol like script was written on it. 

That exactly was Katakamuna script.
Each letter was formed by circles and straight lines and the letters looked like geometric patterns.
Mr. Narazaki recognized Katakamuna script as an original form of Katakana.
And Katakamuna is said to be showing theories of the universe and philosophy. Moreover, some researchers say that the script has a power to heal people.

And today, I'd like to share some poetry which was written in Katakamuna script.
There are 80 katakamuna poems, but between the 5th and the 8th ones are said to be very powerful. 
But in my opinion, Katakamuna script itself has not such a strong power but the script functions as a power amplifier. So, if you can lodge some power in the script, you can also amplify the power, as you read the script over and over. 
Then it's said that the power will repair your DNA. 

I used the Heart Sutra to put a power in the script and it worked very well. I could get rid of my throat irritation. So I think you can get help from your spiritual guides or higher self that you believe and pray for in a daily life. 
If you are interested, I'll show you two of the poetry, 

The 5th one is..  第5首

Hi Fu Mi Yo I Ma Wa Ri Te Me Ku Ru Mu Na Ya Ko To A U No Su He Shi Re Ka Ta Chi Sa Ki


The 6th one is.. 第6首

So Ra Ni Mo Ro Ke Se Yu We Nu O Wo Ha E Tsu We Ne Ho N Ka Ta Ka Mu Na  


I do meditation and then worship god, then I put my palms togather and read the Heart Sutra out loud. Then put that hand on my throat then read the Katakamuna Utahi poetry from the 5th to the 8th 3 rounds.

