
捨てる技術よりも買わない生活術 /The art of living without buying rather than throwing things away


It is more important not to buy things than to organize them.
 In today's society, the consumption of goods is ever-increasing, and many people take for granted the availability of new products. However, in this consumer society, I would like to consider why it is important not only to be organized, but also to avoid buying things.

 First, not buying things is important in that it promotes sustainable consumption. The production of products requires a lot of resources and energy, and the environmental problems caused by the disposal of products are serious. Buying new things causes wasteful spending and wastage of resources, which increases the environmental impact. On the other hand, continuing to use existing items effectively saves resources and reduces waste. Not buying things is a very important choice in terms of sustainable consumption.

 Not buying things is also economically beneficial. Spending more money on consumption is directly related to one's personal financial situation. Going into debt or wasting money to buy new things can lead to financial instability in the future. On the other hand, by not buying things, one can save money and reduce unnecessary expenses. This helps individuals maintain their financial health and lead a sustainable financial life.

 Furthermore, not buying things also leads to emotional well-being. There is a false image that having things brings happiness, when in fact it is important to find richness in oneself, one's relationships, and experiences without relying on things. Not buying things allows us to focus on what we really need and what is important to us. It also reduces the stress and burden of having things.
