趣味のギター on 休日 (28)、二つのギター(6分)、Guitar playing as a hobby on holidays (28), Two Guitars ( 6 minutes)

This music has been well known and played by guitar enthusiasts as a Russian folk song.
I received a tape that recorded duet I did with one of the members of the Guitar and Mandolin Club, one of the company's music clubs, as many as about 50 years ago as a souvenir when I retired 47 years ago.
About 30 years later, about 15 years ago, I digitized the tape and had a friend remove noise and correct distortions, but the playback sound itself is sepia-toned and has something old and nostalgic.
I still use the same guitar, but the sound tune it produces now is different from the one that had been reproduced from the tape.
It may be because of the recording equipment at that time.
