
省エネ大賞受賞技術開発の軌跡 (18) Trajectory of Energy Conservation Grand Prize-winning Technology Development (18)

1.3.4 本物、役にたつ物


1.3.4 The real things, the useful things

 Humans, sadly, seem to have a habit of buying extra cheap stuff. We have a desire to own things even if we don't think they are very useful. Perhaps it is because we feel a sense of quantitative superiority when compared to others, or perhaps it is because we feel somehow secured in our reserves. However, today's young people seem to have a better side than we do, in that they are less obsessed with the quantity of goods and services. That is a good trend.
 People of the generation that experienced material hunger and starvation tend to instinctively or defensively avoid the hungries they experienced in the past, which is probably inevitable to some extent. However, we should not be tempted to settle for goods and services that we will not need as a result or in the short term because of deflation and falling prices. We should purchase and use only what are truly good and useful.
 To change the subject, I cannot judge whether the current deflation is a strong yen deflation, demand deflation, asset deflation, debt deflation, or a mixture of the above. However, if we act persistently, diligently, slowly, and without spending too much money, we can live our lives. And our dreams will come true.
                         To be continued
