
3DNFT blind box of The Ancient Magus’ Bride

Dear Mugen fans, since we’ve announced the partnership with MAG Garden and Hashpalette earlier. Many of you are expecting the date of our new release——The digital collectibles of characters in The Ancient Magus’ Bride. The 3D NFT blind box will go live in the upcoming weeks!!
For those of you who haven’t watched the anime before. Here is an overview of the hot characters and cute fairies in it~
Story Background:
Hatori Chise, a 15-year-old girl, who has no place to go, no reason to live and no way out of the situation, except for one special power she was born with, was welcomed as a disciple and a future bride by an anomalous Wizard Elias.
Chise gradually regains what was important to her from living the life of a witch who stays close to nature and goes through eternal times. This is a story to understand the beauty of the world. 


Name: Chise Hatori (羽鳥チセ)

Japanese girl. She is a "loved child of the night" who can generate magical power almost infinitely. She attracts her fairies regardless of her will. She expected her qualities to Elias, She was bought for a value of 5 million pounds. Elias and she live in the mansion on the outskirts of England. Then she begins her studies to become a witch. 

Name: Elias Ainsworth(エリアス・エインズワース)

One of the "real" wizards who is now on the verge of extinction. His disciple eventually bought Chise to marry him. He is a prominent figure in the world of wizards and wizards, but he is also known for his dislike. He has avoided engaging with others so far. He is sometimes called "the wizard of thorns" or "the one with the shell of flesh." 

Name: Ruth (ルツ)

Ruth, Chise's familiar and a Church grim. He was originally a graveyard guard dog, who chased away grave robbers and evil spirits. He initially thinks of himself as a human, keeping a human form until he later recalls his true identity. 

Name: Titania (ティターニア)

The queen of fairies who governs the land of everlasting young people. Long before Christianity was introduced to Britain Island. She continues to exist. Everything in the night world is her beloved child. She is often overwhelmed by her husband Oberon, who is too free-spirited.  

Name: Silky (シルキー)

A housework fairy who lives in Elias's mansion. People are grateful that she takes care of all the work in the house, including repairs. She is a woman of humbleness.

Name: Lyanan Sea (リャナン・シー)

A fairy who possessed a young man and received his life instead of giving him a talent for poetry. Attracted by Joel himself, he remains in his house after taking care of his death.

Name: Will-o-wisp (ウィル・オ・ウィスプ)

Fairies live in graves and forests. Also known as "blue fire". Their main purpose is to send the souls of the dead to the other world, they are the pilots to the world after death.

Name: Cotton insects (綿蟲)

A mysterious creature that eats cold air and grows sheep-like hair. Growing before the summer, the hair of that time is suitable for making tools related to magic. If you have excess hair of them, you can use them as a pillow to get a good sleep.

Name: Aethnici (アエトニキ)

A mysterious creature lives in a cave that eats scrap stones, scrap ore, and precious stone scraps. It goes well with the house that makes witchcraft, and used to live in harmony with Angelica. Perhaps he likes Chise now, he lives with the Ainsworth family.

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