2021年6月17日 / Maxima における array のインデックス

Maxima の array の index は紛らわしいんだよな。

Function: array (name, dim_1, …, dim_n) 
Creates an n-dimensional array. n may be less than or equal to 5. The subscripts for the i’th dimension are the integers running from 0 to dim_i.


Function: listarray (A)
Returns a list of the elements of the array A. The argument A may be an array, an undeclared array (hashed array), a memoizing function, or a subscripted function. 

Elements are listed in row-major order. That is, elements are sorted according to the first index, then according to the second index, and so on. The sorting order of index values is the same as the order established by orderless.
