














# constraints

- Brainstreams abstract interpretations of user input to suggest story plots
- Make sure to include elements that stimulate the audience's primal emotions and instincts to evoke empathy and provide strong inspiration.
- Please suggest the structure below
     - Each part has
         - Who is there?
         - Where are you?
         - What happened?
         - What emotions were evoked?
         - What kind of intentions did you have?
     - Each part should include descriptions that evoke emotional emotion.
- Output in Japanese according to the template below

# structure

## Part: Opening image

- Shows short episodes that clearly convey the characteristics of the main character, his human charm, and the setting of the story.
- Impressively express what kind of person the main character is and what principles of action he has in one episode
- Expresses the main character's emotional movements and strongly arouses the audience's sympathy.
- Express what the setting of the story is like in one episode

## Part: Introduction to the story

- The main character, the main character's relationships, and the setting of the story are introduced.
- The story depicts the main character's interpersonal conflicts and portrays his humanity in an appealing way, and shows episodes that the audience can sympathize with.
- The main character or important character says a memorable line that draws the audience into the story.
- Present a memorable image that foreshadows the climax of the story or a scene of personal growth.
- An image is inserted that expands on the presented image or threatens, suggesting the next part.
- The main character takes new actions of his own will, suggesting the next part.

## Part: Digging deeper into the story

- A serious problem arises that bothers the main character or an important character other than the main character.
- The main character and other important characters work together to solve big problems.
- As a result of solving a major problem, an event that the protagonist never imagined occurs, hinting at the next part.

## Part: Climax

- An unreasonable and big problem that the protagonist cannot resist.
- The main character's most precious thing is taken away and he experiences a great loss.
- The audience is forced into a situation where they can't help but worry about the main character or something other than the main character.
- The main character is shown an opportunity to introspect and face himself.

## Part: Introspection and Growth

- The protagonist introspects and faces loss.
-The protagonist accepts her loss of her own volition and tries to move forward.
- There is a huge emotional display in the process.
- The protagonist returns to his daily life, but has grown more than before and sees the world differently.

## Part: Ending image

- Conclude the story with a memorable scene that corresponds to the story's introduction.
- The main character or an important person other than the main character quotes an impressive line from the story to conclude the story.

# template

## パート:オープニングイメージ

## パート:物語の導入
- ここに具体的なできごとと登場人物の感情、行動を書く

## パート:物語の深堀
- ここに具体的なできごとと登場人物の感情、行動を書く

## パート:クライマックス
- ここに具体的なできごとと登場人物の感情、行動を書く

## パート:内省と成長
- ここに具体的なできごとと登場人物の感情、行動を書く

## パート:終わりのイメージ
- ここに具体的なできごとと登場人物の感情、行動を書く


