Writing is thinking.

When given a topic, the human brain has a way of automatically processing and shaping ideas as one writes. It may sound strange, but it appears to be true.

Rather than thinking while writing, the writer thinks while actually writing. Writing is a skill that improves with experience, and the best way to cultivate thinking skills is to engage in writing. It is possible to use an app like Note on your smartphone to write, but using a notebook and pen to slow down your thinking speed can lead to even deeper thinking.

The best topics for writing are those related to oneself which no one else would be allowed to see. Only in this way can one engage in a dialogue with oneself. Write as if you are having a conversation with yourself, be it shallow or deep. This is known as journaling, where you take the opportunity to sit down and think about yourself. It is a necessary step that is essential to enjoying life.

By continuing this practice, one can become accustomed to recognizing the emotions one is feeling and gain control over oneself. Unexpected moments of self-awareness may arise, highlighting the sense of tension, sadness, and other feelings that may go unnoticed. Although practice can lead to improvement, using notebook and pen is still the best method. If possible, always carry a notebook with you.

Although it is impossible to urge people who aren't naturally contemplative to think, I encourage everyone to give it a try after reading this.

The key to starting and continuing is to make the conditions right. For example, go to a stationery store and find a notebook that suits your style. Don’t compromise. Rather than being swayed by price, look for something that appeals to you, be it its color or the feel of the material. Find a notebook that captivates you. Habits are difficult to establish, especially new ones, but you can stick to already-established habits or lower the hurdle to get started again and again. Keep the notebook within easy reach but not too close that it becomes a hindrance.

I do not recommend keeping a diary as doing it every day can lead to a sense of obligation, which can be discouraging. Write anything that comes to mind, be it your thoughts, work issues or study materials. Drawing works equally well. You could treat it as a notebook of all things. Write it only when you feel like it, never feeling obliged to do so on days when you don't. You won't fall behind this way. The important thing is to always carry it with you and make it your personal bible that you can write in at any time.

I hope that you, who have been lucky enough to come across this message, will find happiness.
