【翻訳】LDN Noise 'Behind The Beat' BAEKHYUN - ICE QUEEN


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LDN Noise 'Behind The Beat' BAEKHYUN - ICE QUEEN

Hey guys, welcome to another ‘Behind The Beat’ series. Today we’re going to be breaking down “Ice Queen”, which we made for BAEKHYUN of EXO.

hey guys! Behind the beat シリーズにようこそ今日はEXOのBAEKHYUNに作った” Ice queen”について解説していくよ

We made this last year in March 19 with a group of friends called Adrian McKinnon, and Bobby Lewis. We’re gonna show you how me made it.

僕らは去年の3月19日に友人のAdrian McKinnonとBobby Lewisと一緒にこれを作ったんだ

Right, to start with this track, we played some Rhodes chords. (We’ll) just show you that.


And this is the foundation of the song. On this occasion, we have quite a few layers, but it all seems to work and it gives everything It’s got space and there’s still space for the vocal. So we’ll show you the intro music.


So we’ll get into it. You could hear the vocal samples that we used.
Two samples together. And that just creates a really cool kind of dynamic.
Sets the mood for the song. Yeah, nice bit of ambience.

じゃあ,これに注目してみようか。vocal sampleが聞こえると思うけど、これは二つのサンプルを一緒に使ってて、

And when we’re using samples, sometimes we use an online library called “Splice” which most people know now. well.. most people in the industry know, that’s a very good source of samples. Or, there’s some plugins that Arcade (from Output) and also we chop up the vocalists, sections of the vocals, pitch it, tune it, add reverb, be creative as you want.
It’s always good to make your own samples because obviously everybody’s got access to other stuff

僕らはサンプルを使う時、たまに"Splice "と呼ばれるオンラインライブラリを使ったりもするよ、まぁみんな知ってるよね。うん、、、その業界の人のほとんどは知ってるね。めっちゃいいサンプルソースなんだよ。 他にもArcadeってプラグインもいいね。僕らがVocal chopしたり, ピッチをいじったり、あわせたり、リバーブを足してみたり、好きなようにクリエイティブにできるんだ。みんなのサンプルを作ると良いよ、なぜならネット上のサンプルはみんなが使えるからね。


And you’ve got a real clean snare
More percussion, just filling in the spaces
Kind of cool percussion knock
And then there are kind of fast trap hats, which I’ll show you
Gives you that bounce
And again, it’s all consolidated now but it’s got just different pitches on the hats just to give them a different dynamic


良い感じのパーカッションノック, 良い感じの早いtrapのhi hat をいれることでバウンスを与える。

One of the main components of this song is the bass, the 808. Obviously any R&B, hip hop song, you’re gonna need the 808’s
So for this we used, we got two basses in here, the intro bass, comes from a plugin called alchemy and it’s just a deep sine, just a support the music.

この曲のメインのパートのひとつは808ベース。RnB, hip hopには808は欠かせないね。
ここに2つのベースがあるね。このイントロのベース、alchemy ってplug inを使ってるだ。深いsin 波だ、曲のイントロをサポートしてるんだ。

And a fun fact with that one, we could’ve gone down the octave, but we wanted to save the impact for the chorus, so we kept it up an octave so it’s not fully acting as a sub, it’s more of a bass pad effect, just to give, when the chorus comes in, it’s got that punch

それがChorus になって、1 octave 下げてPunchを与えてるんだ。

The main bass is obviously the 808, which you can hear
And we’ve tried a lot of different 808’s and again we’ve come back to Logic’s own ES2, and it works wonders.

いろんな808を何度も試したんだけど、logic 付属のES2に戻ってきたよ すごいいい感じだよね

Yeah this is a patch that we made just using a sine wave and messed around with different parts, different elements of the plugin, to make it our own. Obviously won’t give too much away, but the access is there for everybody to make their own sounds and use the samples as their own

Yeah そしてこのパッチはただのsine waveを色々いじって作ったんだ。
違う要素のplug in を僕ら自身のサウンドにした。僕らが作った音だからこっからは見せないよ。ただ、みんなも作れるから、みんなも自分の音を作ってみたらどうかな。

One of the tricks that we like to do is add a pitch bend, which you can see here
And that gives it a kind of dipping feeling, we’ll just play that

僕らの好きなトリックのひとつはピッチベンドすることなんだ。 こんな風にピッチが落ちたりする感じ 再生してみるね。

So now you’ve heard all of the components of the chorus, the drums, the verse, all of that music. We’ll get to the middle eight, or the bridge, of the song, and usually we would strip it back and have like a piano and let the vocal shine at this moment, but we didn’t want to drop the energy of the song too much, so for this we changed it and made it more aggressive, added a key change in, and this kind of aggressive bass line, which I’ll play for you now

そして今,コーラス、ドラム、バースの全ての構成パーツを聞いたね。これからmiddle eight,bridgeともいうね みていこう。普段は僕らはピアノだけとかにして、vocalを目立つようにするんだ。 僕らは曲のエナジーをそこまで落としたくなかったんだ、だから、もっとアグレッシブにキーチェンジ(転調)させて、このアグレッシブなベースラインを足して。。。聴いてみよう

Just doesn’t have that bite. So then we consolidated it into audio, which it allows you to really get that cut off, and that bite, and then we added some really cool effects, to really bring out the harmonics, cuz it sounds like there’s almost a chord on top playing bass, no it’s the dynamics in the distortion which we really like to play along with different distortions, and CamelPhat and Devastor (2) are two of our favorites

このままだとBite感がないね。だから、オーディオ化することでカットオフの感じをだしてるんだ。そして、effectを足してハーモニクスを引き出していく。ベースがコードのトップノートを弾いてるように聞こえてると思うけど、実は違って、僕らのお気に入りのChamelPhat とDevastor 2のディストーションのダイナミクスなんだ。

So lucky enough, last year in March I believe, we were fortunate enough to get out to solve and to work with SM within their studios and we were really able to zone in on this song for BAEKHYUN. He was an artist that we really wanted to make a song with.

幸運にも,たしか去年の3月に 僕らはSMのスタジオで働くために出国して、BAEKHYUNのための曲に集中できたんだ。
彼は僕らが一緒に本当にやりたかったArtist なんだよね。

We previously worked together obviously on the EXO stuff, had a good relationship with the team, and with the band, and with the group, and when he said that he wanted to make his EP, we was like delighted.
Yeah he came into the studio and we had some rough sort of sketches of ideas

以前、一緒に働いたEXO のスタッフと良い関係だった。バンド,,,グループ,,,
そして彼が彼のEPを作りたいと言った時には僕らは大喜びだったよ。yeah , 彼はこのスタジオにきて、みんなでideaをみせあったりてラフスケッチを作ったね。

And originally this was 5BPMs slower, this song, which he was sitting there, he was loving it, and he was like something’s missing and we’ve come to the conclusion that it needed to be faster

オリジナルのこの曲は5 BPM遅くて、彼がえらく気に入ってくれたんだけど、何か物足りなさがあったから、もっと早くすることに決めたんだ。

We also added a lot more elements to it, after the song was written. But to have that input direct from him was great. Yeah of course.
So we’ll just show you some of the vocals.

この曲が書かれたあとも、たくさんの要素を足して行ったんだ。けど、彼から直接インプットをもらえたことは素晴らしかったね。 ああ、もちろんだ。じゃあこれから、いくつかvocalをみていこう。

So in this part, obviously as we start to build the song, we add more layers, so this is obviously the lead here that you can hear.

このパートは、 当然曲にいろんな要素を足していくんだけど、、、
これがLead(vocal)だね 聴いてみよう.

And then we have a dub on that
And because this is a solo artist, usually when we’re working with the groups
The vocal kind of had more elements from the get-go, whereas this is a solo artist, we kind of let the vocal kind of be a lead


Yeah, and it is very stripped back and it’s likes, and emotional song. Initially this song was called 3 a.m. and it was more about calling up a girl anytime and linking, and you’ve always got that relationship. Once we did the translation into Korean, it got changed into “Ice Queen” obviously which is what it’s known for now, and its about melting a girl’s cold heart essentially, warming her up to your love, so its a nice story, a nice concept, and notice that the intimacy of the vocal comes through with BAEKHYUN’s performance

Yeah, めっちゃエモーショナルな曲だね。最初のうちはこの曲は3.a.mって名前だったんだけど、女の子にいつも話しかけるよに、いつも関係をもつように、、、一度韓国語に翻訳したら、みんなが知る今の"Ice Queen"になったんだ。女の子たちの心を溶かすように、愛で彼女を温めるように、..良いストーリーだね。良いコンセプトだ。BAEKHYUNのパフォーマンスがこの親しみ深い感じを表現できてることに気付いて欲しいな。

We’ll show you some of the harmonies in the song as well

Super deep haha
めっちゃ低い 笑

So our favorite part of the whole song is this small part after the mid eight
And where BAEKHYUN really excels on his vocal ad-libs, which is this

僕らがこの曲でお気に入りのパートは、このmid eight ()のあとの少しのパート、

Yeah he killed that
Yeah, 最高すぎる(やってのけた)

And sometimes we add ad-libs and harmonies in as a direction, but its up to the artist to really deliver that and to bring out their own expression of the ad-libs and the feeling of it, and yeah, BAEKHYUN is an amazing vocalist.
Yeah , BAEKHYUNは素晴らしいVocalistだね。

So that was ‘Behind The Beat’, and we are LDN Noise.
以上、"Behind the Beat" , LDN noiseでした。

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