Aussie Worholi Daily Life 51

So I am an imitation
I can't do it anymore
It's pretty obvious, yeah, yeah
So, take a closer look at this piece of trash! Alright!

Hey there, buddy!
Selfish man!
Selfish girl, yeah, yeah!
Your excuse is
"I'm a natural born prince of scum"

Dress chords "Be Careful For Love"

Most of people who has job can't write their diary of daily life every day because they are busy.and also they wouldn't read a book.
The rush life will steal a time to spend for entertainment.That is reason why we should think about how to spend a time for my life before we work.
In my case, I have chosen to live and work in Australia,that is my best choice I have ever done.
I met many foreigners at job site,some Nepalese, Argentina,and French.
French people are very annoyed for me because they alway were chatting louder in my hostel. and they don't care about breaking rule in their mind.
Unless french guys will be quiet,I will continue to hate them. one of my choice that made by australian life was I became to hate French guys.
On the other hand, french women are very kind for me. they are interested japanese culture,especially japanese animation.
they knew a sort of japanese animation which I didn't know,and also they were intrigued for japanese guys.
I suppose the japanese culture is borderless.
Japanese culture is attracting all over the world.

By the way, I saw a tragic news at Bondi Junction in which I have visited.
I reminded again that Australia is danger than Japan when I saw that news,moreover, unexpected death can come suddenly.
then,what can we do to prepare for that kind of tragedy,should we live your life with no regret,achive for your purpose,or you don't go outside?
the answer is we don't know. that is why we have to spend and think what have to do my life.

I think that is not difficult for us if we know the purpose to live, but nobody knows what is the our purpose of living.
All the more reason we have to decide what is our purpose of living.
And my decision is to follow what interests me.
At least I have obeyed that things when I quitted my job until now.
And I didn't regret those things.
It still shining my way to the future.
