

 As I was telling the story, the man’s expression changed. “It wasn’t your fault. Your dog just wanted to keep you safe,” he said. “I’m sure Tomo would want to tell you this. Also, thank you for not giving up.” Tomo is my dog’s name. Did I tell him this? The old man’s comment rang in the air.

 Before I could ask anything, the man proposed we hurry to get to the top of the mountain. I was planning to do this with my dog a few weeks ago. After two more hours of hiking, we reached the peak. I set down my backpack and we sat taking in the magnificent view. The old man looked at me and said, “Mountains offer truly magical experiences.”


 I looked around for a place to rest. I guess I was pretty tired, because I fell asleep right away. When I woke up, I noticed that the old man had disappeared. I waited, but he never returned.

 Suddenly, in the sunlight, something caught my eye. I walked over and saw a small metal tag beside my backpack. It was the same silver name tag that my parents originally gave to my dog. Tomo it said.


 It was then that I heard a familiar noise behind me. It was the ringing of a tiny bell. I turned around. What I saw caused so many emotions to rush over me.


 After a while on the mountaintop, I attached the name tag to my old friend and carefully made my way home with the mountain’s gift beside me. My soul felt very much complete.

