
What I like about Nao Tomisato🍊 #なおもちシェアハッピー

( I've added a few things to the last note I put up, mainly the first two parts!   2023.07.17)

I am a fan of Nao Tomisato from Japan!

Nao Tomisato is a 16-year-old girl who belongs to a Japanese idol group called Nogizaka46!

I wrote about what I like about her in English to let people overseas know how good she is!

I am not very good at English so some parts may be difficult to read. But I did my best to write it, so I hope you will read it to the end!

・Where she conveys her frustrations and mixed feelings in her own way.

I love that she keeps saying, "I'm terrible at putting sentences together," but still tries to convey her feelings in her own way.

2023.06.28 Taken from her blog

It's hard to know how to tell you how I feel about this,

I can only say one thing from me.

I'm going to work even harder!

That's all I can say!

I'm a clumsy person, so I'm always spinning my wheels, but I'm still trying my best to do what I can right now. I'm trying.✊🏻 

2022.05.18 Taken from her blog

And to the many staff members who supported this concert, thank you so much.
I am filled with gratitude to all of you!
Thank you all so very, very much. (*^^*)

I would like to take what I learned from this live performance and run through the summer national tour as fast as I can with everyone! 
(๑•̀ •́)و✧

I'm not very good at putting sentences together, so I'm a little worried about whether my thoughts were conveyed to you all, but I tried to write it in my own way.✏️

Once at an online meet and greet, I was told "(I'm sure) you didn't get my feelings. (It sounds gloomy when you just look at the words, but it came out when we were talking cheerfully and happily!)

In her blog and talks, she often mentions that she can't express herself well and wonders if she is conveying her feelings properly.
I think she feels and thinks about so many things and want to express all of her feelings in words, but the feelings are too big to put into words, and she feels frustrated because she is not able to organize her feelings properly.
I love the fact that she still tries to communicate in her own way, and I love the fact that she usually faces so many things and thinks and acts accordingly.

・She's really shy, but she's friendly enough to walk up to her favorite senior.

(2022.7.23  Taken from her blog)

She said, "I have more opportunities to get involved with the seniors on the national tour, so I want to be brave enough to ask them questions even though I'm shy!" 

On yesterday's broadcast of Nogizaka Under Construction, an episode was told about a 4th term student, Kuromi, who took her out to dinner to celebrate the first anniversary of her joining the 5th term.

In addition to that, when Nao Tomisato had a trouble at the 32nd Under Live in Osaka when she mistakenly thought it was a day trip and did not bring her luggage for the overnight stay, Kuromi invited her to her room and took care of her in various ways....

Kuromi and Nao Tomisato became good friends because, surprisingly, Nao Tomisato came up to her.
When Kuromi and Nao Tomisato were in the pair lane at the online meet & greet on 2023.05.21, I told her that I was very happy that she was always involved with Nao.
She replied, "But you know, I've been involved with her since last year, but it's only recently that I've become friends with Naomochi! she told me, "It's only recently that Naomochi started to get involved with me and it became easier to get involved with her.

Kuromi, who works with the hope of "being a senior who can be easily consulted when in trouble," and Nao Tomisato, who has the courage to approach seniors on her own initiative, are wonderful seniors and too wonderful juniors.

・Where she sends lots of responses to please as many fans as possible during the show.

(2022.8.14 Taken from her blog)

Q: What is the one thing you always try to do during a live show?

A: I try to make eye contact with as many fans as possible!

・Where she is willing to work hard until she feels confident and satisfied with herself.

(2023.2.6 Taken from her blog)

She says " I want to make more of a shadow effort so that I can be the one everyone looks up to, as I have recently realized that I have to work harder than others to get the results I want. "

・Her Dreams

(2022.12.24 Taken from her blog)

“I have a dream to become an idol and make it come true.
I want to be a person who can heal and cheer up children who are tired from work or school, or who are struggling with their relationships, even if just a little.”

『It is a fragile and sparkling song that I would like to play the center someday." Kaeri-michi wa tomawari shitaku naru" by Nogizaka46』
(2023.02.05 Taken from “Noginono”)

(2022.7.11 Taken from Nogizaka Under Construction)

“I dreamed of working part-time at a soft-serve ice cream shop!”

So cute………

・Her expression

I love her adorable smile and the fragile expression she shows during her live performances.

・Her soothing voice

I hope she gets a radio job someday.
I'm happiest when I hear her voice on the radio.

・Where she goes all out for variety shows.

She has a great sense of humor and always leaves a mark when she appears in Nogizaka Under Construction as well as in Super Nogizaka ~A STAR IS BORN!~

(2022.7.12 Taken from her blog)

“I don't know anything about variety yet, and I'm still groping my way through my activities, but I'd like to research more things in the future and get more involved!
I would be happy if you could watch over me with warm eyes!”

・Where she says nice things to her fans.

 She always has kind words for her fans at the Nogizaka46 Talk and Online Meet & Greet.
 I even shed tears at her kindness.
 If you're interested, you should definitely attend that event.

・Her passionate heart

 She may have a strong image of being an energetic girl with a cute smile, but her heart is actually very hot!
This is the main reason I am attracted to Nao Tomisato, she is the coolest!

(2023.6.4 Taken from her blog)

“I thought that when I am in the position of a senior in the future, I have to connect what I have seen so far, and I have to be strong to overcome various obstacles.”

・Where she thinks about what she can do now and acts accordingly.

(2023.6.4 Taken from her blog)

“I am now setting goals to see what I can do in addition to working hard on the tasks at hand, and I would like to make efforts to get closer to those goals.”

(2023.4.4 Taken from her blog)

“During the practice, I was able to see the expressive power and kindness of the seniors up close, which made me feel even more excited about the live.
I want to do my best at the "Under Live" by giving the best I can.
I will do my best, so please watch me!”

・Naomochi Share Happy

This event is to spread the word about her to those around her on the seventh day of every month.
This event was her own idea and she started it.
I think this event is the result of a lot of thinking about what she should do to make her dream come true.

・Where she can shed tears in front of someone when she is having a hard time.

Please read the June 2023 issue of B.L.T. for more on this!
This was the best interview I have ever had with Nao Tomisato.

・Keep an eye on me!"

 Before the Under Live, this is what she said to her fans on her blog, in her talks and online meet and greets.
 I like the way she practiced a lot until she felt confident enough to say this, and the fact that she actually shined so brightly in the live performance that I couldn't take my eyes off of her!!!!!!

・Where she firmly expresses her gratitude to the people around her.

When the final episode of "New Nogizaka ~A STAR IS BORN!" was recorded, she wrote letters to those who had helped her and brought them with her to express her gratitude.…
What a good girl.…………

(2023.2.19 Taken from her blog)

“That day, I wrote letters to the many people who had been involved in the program, thinking that the program was really coming to an end.
I wrote to each and every one of them thanking them and saying how sad I was that the program was coming to an end.”

・Where she enjoys making someone's photo album.

It's been a hobby of hers since before she joined Nogizaka46, making a photo book of her sister, her own photo book for her 29th personal documentary, and recently Okuda Iroha's photo book...

・Where when she sings, she thinks about the meaning of the lyrics and puts her emotions on someone else's heart.

When she sings, she always seems to be thinking of someone else.

(2022.7.1 Taken from her blog)

“I was told by my teacher that the most important thing in singing a song is to put your feelings into it. I had been thinking of expressing my gratitude to my mother and father ever since I heard that I would be asked to sing this song, so I decided to write down my memories of my family for each lyric on a piece of paper and sing the song while thinking of them.”

・Where she doesn't do to others what she doesn't want to be done to her.

(Taken from Nogizaka46  special site for 5th generation)

・My Strengths
“Where I don't do to others what I don't want to be done to me.”

I am sure there are still many things about her that we don't know, and I am sure we will love her more and more every time we learn about them, so this NOTE will never be complete!

I hope this voice will help Nao Tomisato as much as possible.

One last thing! She'll be featured in a magazine called "Gekkan Entame" that will be on sale on June 29!
If you are interested, please read on!

