From James Allen to You 41

From poverty to power; or, the realization of prosperity and peace.
Part 2: The path to prosperity
The way out of undesirable conditions 20

The prosperity of the wicked was a great trial to David
until he went into the sanctuary of God,
and then he knew their end.

You likewise may go into that sanctuary.
It is within you.
It is that state of consciousness which remains
when all that is sordid, and personal,
and impermanent is risen above,
and universal and eternal principles are realized.

That is the God state of consciousness;
it is the sanctuary of the Most High.
When by long strife and self-discipline,
you have succeeded in entering the door of that holy Temple,
you will perceive,
with unobstructed vision,
the end and fruit of all human thought and endeavor,
both good and evil.

prosperity = the state of being successful
wicked = morally wrong and bad
sanctuary = protection or a safe place
consciousness = the state of understanding and realizing something
sordid = dirty and unpleasant
principle = a basic rule that controls how something happens or works
strife = disagreement
