
Life Lesson

June 28th, 2022
My grandmother passed away on June 19th, and her funeral was held on the weekend. She was my last grandparent alive. I remember that she was always really kind to me. I felt sad but at the same time, I was relieved because she don't need to suffer anymore. At last, she could not intake food because her liver did not work. At the funeral, my father looked sad and was crying while delivering a speech in front of family members. However, what caught my attention was my aunt, my father’s elder sister, who was once running away from home due to her personal problem. I don’t know the details of the story back then because I was too little. She was the most crying individual among us, screaming her apology on the grandmother's dead body in the coffin. I felt sorry for my aunt, but I learned a life lesson from her. That is “it is too late once it’s gone”. I promised myself that I will be the person who conveys applications to people around me whenever I can, particularly to my parents.
