

In ENTS class, we did an overall review of this course. I was able to raise my hand and say my takeouts, and learn prof's views. After the class, I watched a movie for SPAN class, "la lengua de las mariposas," which was interesting but difficult to comprehend for me. The protagonist told me many lessons. And I did preparation for ENTS in a hurry. At night, I focused myself on HIST final essay. 

In Spanish class, we had a final review of grammar and discussed the movie context. Then, I continued writing a final essay for HIST due 5 today. I've almost done by lunch, and I went to visit Liz to ask what I have to do to get a new Visa and whether I can do the internship this summer. She told me many things, so I would like to consider what and how I can do without regretting my choices. In ENTS class, we had an overall review of the term. I learned so many things, such as what we should to combat environmental issues and what we have learned. I finished the HIST essay right after the class and submitted it. I had another essay, a reflection essay for ENTS, so I wrote it for less than an hour thinking back what I have done in the course. At night, from 8, we went to Weitz stage to watch Karl-pop recital. It was so much fun.
