

In the morning, I got up early and went on a volunteer to Habitat for Humanity. Before arriving there, we stopped by a cafe. I bought a sausage and spinach quiche, which was really good:)

A Cafe

Then, we started working from 8:30. First, I had to carry many heavy things, which was really tough and hard. And it was a bit hard to understand every instruction that I had to do. Then, I took out staplers from the doors themselves. I learned how to use many tools from others and practice them. During the snack time, I talked with some volunteers including Carleton students. They were nice. I continued doing that after that until lunch time. For lunch, we had a sandwich and potato soup. After lunch, I continued it again and I had an interview with Jodi. She told me that I could get the internship if I wanted to. I have to consider! Then, I moved to a newer house. The house only had frames inside without walls, and I worked drilling there on concretes. We were able to finish earlier, at 2:15, so we went back on Kevin's car. 

Inside the New House
