
#18 胃腸炎は本当にヤバい話


はい、みなさん、こんにちは。 みずほです。









・体調を崩す (たいちょうをくずす): To feel unwell
・嘔吐 (おうと): Vomiting
・胃腸炎 (いちょうえん): Gastroenteritis
・座薬 (ざやく): Suppository
・流行る (はやる): To spread (an illness)
・発熱 (はつねつ): Fever
・気合い (きあい): Fighting spirit
・乗り切る (のりきる: To overcome
・やばい : Bad, dangerous
・インフルエンザ : Influenza
・要望 (ようぼう: Request

Hello everyone, it's Mizuho. I apologize for not updating for a week. I wasn't able to release the podcast on Tuesday. Actually, both my daughter and I fell ill and couldn't do various tasks.

It started with my daughter on Saturday night when our family went out for dinner. She didn't have much appetite and only drank a lot of liquid, ate one serving of rice, but didn't touch any side dishes. When we got home, she complained of stomach pain. At the time, I thought she might have had too much juice at the restaurant.

However, she gradually began to feel more and more unwell, and around 8 pm, she vomited. I thought, "Could this be gastroenteritis?" After that, she said she wanted to sleep, so I put her to bed, but she continued to vomit every 15 minutes until past 11 pm.

I thought it was kind of bad, so I called #8000 . #8000 is a phone number for children's use, where they tell you how to deal with things like children's illness. When I asked, they said that if possible, it would be better to take her to the emergency hospital. So, I had my mother drive me to the emergency hospital and got checked out. As a result, it was indeed gastroenteritis. I received a suppository to relieve the nausea and finally started to feel better after returning home for about two days. It's really spreading lately. Gastroenteritis, I mean. There are also people around me who have it.

Two days after going to the hospital, I also developed a fever. I didn't have any abdominal pain, but I became very tired and my temperature rose. It was really tough to have a fever again after a long time. My whole body hurt, so I thought maybe it was the flu, but fortunately it went down the next day. It was a feeling of riding it out with medicine and determination.

So, today's story was really about how bad gastroenteritis can be. Although Japan is gradually getting warmer, there are still cold days and it's easy to get sick. Corona is also a concern, but it seems that gastroenteritis and the flu are also spreading, so please be careful everyone. If you feel like something is wrong with your body, it's important to rest immediately without pushing yourself too hard! Resting is the most important thing.

Thank you for listening today. The script is posted on the blog, so please check it out. Also, in response to requests from learners since the last time, I added furigana to difficult kanji. I would be happy if it would be helpful for everyone's Japanese learning. See you again ~. Goodbye ~.
