
Where I Was Born

In a pedestrian crossing
I'm having an eye contact with
like a office worker
Who is making a flying start
Yes, I also take you an indicator

Lazy afternoon sunlight
In a limited provincial city
Senses of togetherness
That can't take us anywhere

You said that after talking with others
You think "I want to live", I see
Why is that, I also think them lovable
Who are on grounds of their youth
Their futures are taken delight, aren't they?
At last the problem is
the principle permissions of exceptions
in the value system
Also for us, certainly existing
in this nature world

Like I don't feel attachment to
This community I was born and grown up since I was a child
Surely we are looking for
The shape of unknown city

No such as Hamiltonian
Unfortunately, places are different
Sometimes approaching
Bayesian inference timidly
That person also would be grown up
Breathing a city's air like us
Yes, like fishes of heaven
Living their lives intensely

We say "ROBUST"
The spell is a usual word for us

I still climb up and stand up
In this dear city

Contribution to Project Here and There
-Bath Spa University (UK)
