
GameInfinity - The Next-Generation Decentralized Blockchain Gaming

Block chain technology with its amazing properties and applications is approaching every sectors including finance , gaming etc. The gaming sites are employing Blockchain technology in order to attract more players by their amazing offers and earning income.  The decentralization in the gaming industry is attracting more players to earn rewards. this advancement in earning crypto in interesting way and its property of being exchangeable into other currencies or real life assets is the main reason of more people showing  interest in Cypto and blockchain games.

What is GameInfinity?
GAMEINFINITY is a full scale game hosting platform which works on block chain technology that breeds the assets which are called “stones'' which players need to collect. The game platform works on native tokens named as $GAMEIN tokens. The participants and those who win the games will be rewarded with cryptos and $GAMEIN tokens.

it is the BEP20 based gaming token and is a native token for GameInfinity gaming experience. this token tradeable and liquid. There are 27,00,00,000 tokens in total out of which only 35% is available.

How can players use their $GAMEIN tokens:
- the tokens can be used for different transactions like gaming fee, wining rewards and rewards received by referrals within the GameInfinity platform.
- the tokens can be used make payments when users buy or sell gaming NFTs.
- the users can trade tokens on exchanges to new Gameinfinity users, gamig brands — or just hodl and sell at crypto-exchanges later- just like other BSC tokens.
