

最終編集: 2019/07/23



・Dent& Hardenの"Practical Guide for Medical Teachers"のresearch


・amee guideでよい総説があるので、そちらもおすすめ


 "Visual art instruction in medical education: a narrative review." Medical education online 24.1 (2019): 1558657.


*The visual arts and medical education

・Bardes, Charles L., Debra Gillers, and Amy E. Herman. "Learning to look: developing clinical observational skills at an art museum." Medical education 35.12 (2001): 1157-1161.

・Jasani, Sona K., and Norma S. Saks. "Utilizing visual art to enhance the clinical observation skills of medical students." Medical teacher 35.7 (2013): e1327-e1331.

・Naghshineh, Sheila, et al. "Formal art observation training improves medical students’ visual diagnostic skills." Journal of General Internal Medicine 23.7 (2008): 991-997. 高瀬先生もご紹介いただいた診断力の前後評価(アナログな感じ)

・Gurwin, Jaclyn, et al. "A randomized controlled study of art observation training to improve medical student ophthalmology skills." Ophthalmology 125.1 (2018): 8-14. 眼科スキル向上


・Gaufberg, Elizabeth, and Ray Williams. "Reflection in a museum setting: the personal responses tour." Journal of Graduate Medical Education 3.4 (2011): 546-549.
 (非医学生)美術館で振り返りありのツアー →満足度高かった

・Bardes, Charles L., Debra Gillers, and Amy E. Herman. "Learning to look: developing clinical observational skills at an art museum." Medical education 35.12 (2001): 1157-1161.

・Shapiro, Johanna, Lloyd Rucker, and Jill Beck. "Training the clinical eye and mind: using the arts to develop medical students' observational and pattern recognition skills." Medical education 40.3 (2006): 263-268. アートとダンスを使った小グループトレーニング→感情的な認識、共感の醸成、物語と物語の識別、そして複数の視点の獲得

・Dolev, Jacqueline C., Linda Krohner Friedlaender, and Irwin M. Braverman. "Use of fine art to enhance visual diagnostic skills." Jama 286.9 (2001): 1020-1021.博物館WS介入群の学生は優位に皮膚写真でのテストで好成績

Medical Students: observation, communication, ambiguity

• Klugman, C, Peel, J, Beckmann-Mendez, D. Art Rounds: Teaching Interprofessional Students Visual Thinking Strategies at One School. Academic Medicine 2011; 86(10): 1266-1271

• Naghshineh S, Hafler JP, Miller AR, Blanco MA, Lipsitz SR, Dubroff RP, Khoshbin S, Katz JT. Formal art observation training improves medical students’ visual diagnostic skills. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2008; 23(7): 991-7.

• Reilly JM, Ring J, Duke L. Visual thinking strategies: a new role for art in medical education. Family Medicine 2005; 37(4):250-2

・2017 More than visual literacy: art and the enhancement of tolerance for ambiguity and empathy
・2018 Art as Sanctuary : A Four-Year Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Visual Art Course Addressing Uncertainty Through Reflection

・Perry, Mark, et al. "The effectiveness of arts‐based interventions in medical education: a literature review." Medical education 45.2 (2011): 141-148.
・Mukunda, Neha, et al. "Visual art instruction in medical education: a narrative review." Medical education online 24.1 (2019): 1558657.
 ①満足度評価だけじゃだめ→より rigorous, prospective assessments of course offerings
 ②コース前後において既存の評価尺度で5つの分野の評価を:clinical observation/diagnosis, empathy, team building/communication, promoting wellness/preventing burnout, and cultural sensitivity →日本訳で 臨床観察/診断、共感、チームビルディング/コミュニケーション、健康増進/燃え尽き防止(マインドフルネス的な?)、文化的感受性
 Pre- and post-course surveys and assessments, using validated measures, that explicitly assess the five areas potentially impacted by visual arts training
 ③ Inclusion of control groups and the use of randomization to remove confounding effects of instruction in other parts of the curriculum
 ④ 効果を出すのに必要な時間やそれらの前向きな評価
 ⑤ CC後学生へのコース
 ⑥ 医学校間の共有


, Neda, et al. "Association between clinician computer use and communication with patients in safety-net clinics." JAMA internal medicine176.1 (2016): 125-128. 

 2013 Fall Webinar Series: What Does Art have to do with Patient Safety? 

・観察力を磨く 名画読解 (早川書房)エイミー E ハーマン、 岡本 由香子
(原著:Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life (英語) ハードカバー – 2016/5/3)

• Klugman, C, Peel, J, Beckmann-Mendez, D. Art Rounds: Teaching Interprofessional Students Visual Thinking Strategies at One School. Academic Medicine 2011; 86(10): 1266-1271

• Naghshineh S, Hafler JP, Miller AR, Blanco MA, Lipsitz SR, Dubroff RP, Khoshbin S, Katz JT. Formal art observation training improves medical students’ visual diagnostic skills. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2008; 23(7): 991-7.

• Dolev JC, Friedlaender LK, Braverman IM. Use of fine art to enhance visual diagnostic skills. Journal of the American Medical Association 2001; 286(9): 1020-1.

• Bardes CL, Gillers D, Herman AE. Learning to look: developing clinical observational skills at an art museum. Medical Education 2001; 35(12):1157-61.

• Shapiro J, Rucker L, Beck J. Training the clinical eye and mind: using the arts to develop medical students’ observational and pattern
recognition skills. Medical Education 2006; 40(3):263-8.

• Schaff, Pamela B, Suzanne Isken, and Robert M Tager. 2011. “From Contemporary Art to Core Clinical Skills: Observation, Interpretation, and Meaning-Making in a Complex Environment.” Academic Medicine 86 (10) (October): 1272–1276. doi:10.1097/ACM.0b013e31822c161d.

• Boisaubin EV, Winkler MG. Seeing patients and life contexts: the visual arts in medical education. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2000; 319(5):292-6.

• Gaufberg, EG and Williams, MR. Reflection in a Museum Setting: The Personal Responses Tour. Journal of Graduate Medical Education: Dec 2011; 3(4): 546-549

• Ter Horst, R and Kruiper-Doesbergh, Visual Thinking Strategies, applied as a therapy in patients with chronic non-congenital brain disorder, Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie, Jaargang
